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SNT › Contributing

Anyone Can Contribute to SNT

No matter your skills, academic background, or technical expertise, you can always contribute to SNT! You can report bugs, request features, test new versions, proofread the documentation, answer questions from fellow users, provide tips & tricks, add your own code, or guide future development with your feedback. You are needed to make SNT more capable and easier to use! Here are some things that you can do:

Cite SNT

This is key. Citations remain the most informative metric of the impact of SNT on scientific research. See how to properly cite SNT.

Join the Forum

This is simple but impactful. Join, follow the #snt tag and help out by answering questions others may have. When you do so, you are not only paying forward any help you received; you are also allowing developers to focus their time on SNT development.

Report Bugs

Did something fail? Please report it, either on the forum or on GitHub. Don’t forget to include a minimal, complete, verifiable example.

Contribute Documentation

Did you notice a typo? Is something unclear or outdated? Are examples missing? Please make a suggestion! Either by following the Edit this page option on the top of the page, reaching out on the forum, or opening an issue on GitHub. Please don’t be shy. All changes are trackable and undoable.

Reach Out

Get in touch with the community and let us know how SNT has been useful for your research! You can find the forum handlers of the SNT team on the Vital statistics insert on this page.

Submit a Script

If you have useful code, it would be great if you could post it on the forum or make a pull request. You could add an example to the documentation or a script to be bundled with the next release. Your code could also be added to the gallery to inspire others.

Improve Core Functionality

Do you have programming experience and a solution for an existing problem? Great! Please file an issue proposing your contribution before submitting a formal pull request to ensure it is not being tackled by someone else.

Would you like to help, but Java is not your thing? That is fine. You should know that Java is not the favorite programming language of SNT developers either. You prefer Python? Julia? R? Great! There is a broad interest in linking SNT functionality to other programming languages (e.g., have a look at SNT’s notebook collection). Development of SNT follows the same open process followed by Fiji. Do reach out with your ideas!