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SNT › Complementary Tools

ImageJ Ecosystem

Tool Description Comments
Spot Spine Detection and count dendritic spines, segmentation of spine heads, and quantitative morphological measurements of spines Under active development
BigTrace Semi-automated tracing in 3D using BigVolumeViewer Under active development
NeuronJ Semi-automated tracing in 2D only No longer maintained. SNT reads NDF files


Tool Description
BICCN Tools List of tools supporting NIH’s Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative - Cell Census Network (BICCN)
Blue Brain’s Morphology Suite Blue brain’s collection of tools (mostly Python) to build, analyze and visualize morphologies. Currently supported by the Open Brain Institute
Cajal A Python package for the analysis of single-cell morphological data using Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distances
HBP Morphology Viewer WebGL-based viewer with Allen Cell Types and integration
L-measure Classic toolkit for quantitative analyzes of neuronal reconstructions of neurons (cf. metrics)
natverse Complete neuroanatomical data analysis in R
TREES Toolbox Complete neuroanatomical data analysis and modeling in MATLAB