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Hi there!
I am doing Image analysis consulting at Scionics GmbH and the Max Planck Institute of Cell Molecular Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) in Dresden. Project are focused on Light Microscopy, Electron Microscopu and High Content Screening data.

Minimum Cost S surface projection

Interactive watershed

CIP: simple script for simple analysis
Image analysis tools I developped
- Manual drift correction plugin : A simple script for doing manual sequence registration with minimal user input. sparsely annotate a reference point and its trajectory will be interpolated in between.
- Minimum Cost Z surface Projection provide tools and plugin to detect 2D surface in 3D data. one can retrieve the altitude map of the surface and an image with the signal of the surface.
- Interactive Watershed: Process watershed once then adjust its parameter interactively while the result is overlaid to the image . That is the function of this plugin. It very praticle for data exploration and Yes it works in 3D
- CIP a toolbox to simplify scripting in ImageJ. Well suited to do you first step in image analysis scripting, teaching and workflow prototyping.
Other project described on imagej wiki
- MS-ECS-2D update site. A collaboration with Vastenhouw lab and Myers lab at MPI-CBG
- CElegansBeadsAnalysis plugin. A collaboration with the Kurzchalia lab at MPI-CBG (my first IJ script/plugin ;-)