[ImageJ-devel] [Postcards] Bring Postcards up-to-speed (#1)

Chris christopher.coulon at gmail.com
Fri Jul 5 19:17:55 CDT 2013

> Hi Chris,
> On Fri, 5 Jul 2013, Chris wrote:
>>>> As I mentioned, there is no "Clone in Mac" button. My Git for Mac
>>>> screen differs from your screen shot:
>>> Your screenshot shows only your local repositories. This could be an
>>> indication that something went wrong when you entered your credentials
>>> for github.com at the initial configuration (when you first started th
>>> application Github for Mac). Try to find a way to enter them (I don't
>>> have a Mac, so I'd suggest searching the menus and especially the
>>> preferences - within the Github application on your mac, that is). No
>>> point in proceeding while the left column only shows THIS COMPUTER.
>>>>   When you add repositories to GitHub for Mac, we automatically
>>>>   match them up with any organizations you belong to. Want to pull
>>>>   down a repository from GitHub.com <http://GitHub.com>? Check out
>>>>   the Clone in Mac button on the website.
>>>> Clicking that button gets me right back to the mac.github.com
>>>> <http://mac.github.com> page.
>>> Given the above, I suspect the following explanation applies. Quoting
>>> from the github-for-mac FAQ at
>>> http://mac.github.com/help.html#faq-clone-in-mac
>>> |"Clone in Mac" doesn't work.
>>> |
>>> | The "Clone in Mac" button requires that you be logged into GitHub.com
>>> | and GitHub for Mac at the same time. Logging in on the website and
>>> | through GitHub for Mac's Preferences should then enable the "Clone in
>>> | Mac" button.
>> Yes!  That was the missing link that I never saw in all my github and
>> git for mac reading.  Thank you!  :-)
> Hmpf. I am pretty sad that my detailed mails (that took quite some time to
> write, I might add) did not manage to tell you that information. In
> particular the part
> 	I just downloaded the application, started it, and input my
> 	credentials in the dialog asking for my GitHub login.
> of http://imagej.net/pipermail/imagej-devel/2013-July/001643.html should
> have given you that clue.

I am so sorry you feel I have been superficial in my study of your help.  I assure you I studied everything carefully and thoroughly.  My problem was I couldn't make things happen as they were supposed to in the tutorials and your instructions, but now in retrospect, I see that I was not getting certain points, the most critical was that i had to log into my account before trying to clone.  I never saw that instruction anywhere, but that was the critical point.  The rest was very clear and thorough.  I appreciated the amount of writing and careful work you put into the answer the moment I opened the email.  Thank you so much!  

>> Now, before I make a mess of my Netbeans project on my computer, where
>> should I clone my project?  I have a Postcards file in my NetBeans
>> project forlder:
>> So my question is, should I navigate to the A_Postcard folder:
>> or the Postcards folder:
>> the Postcards on my github.com/ad1054/Postcards does not have the
>> nbactions.xml or the target folder, so will I be messing up my NetBeans
>> project if I clone it there?
> Since all of those are failed, earlier attempts, why not follow my
> suggestion (that I even repeated a couple of times now) to throw them away
> and start over until you understand what you are doing there?
> After all, it takes a substantial amount of knowledge of Git to reproduce
> where you went wrong and what things are in your working directories and
> repositories, and what is missing. And then it would take even more amount
> of Git-fu to repair it.
> Besides, it is really asking Adrian a lot to guess what the different
> folders you have on your computer reflect. They could be anything, from
> locally-initialized to forked to renamed folders, even empty folders,
> folders that were originally named 'a-little-mouse', and nothing you
> explained or showed could clarify that question.
> So again: if you failed to accomplish what you wanted to do, throw it away
> and start over. Until you understand why Git, or GitHub, or GitHub for
> Mac, or Netbeans, or Maven did what they did.
> Ciao,
> Johannes
> P.S.: you still have not had a look at my fix, did you?
> P.P.S.: there are so many ways to extract code from GitHub, e.g. the
> "Download ZIP" button on https://github.com/ad1054/Postcards/ (but beware:
> they might rename it to "Download" and ask you to specify which format you
> want in the future, "Download ZIP" is not guaranteed to be the label for
> all future!). Even if a clone would fail, you still would have a ton of
> ways to find out what changes others made.

Again, thank you.  I am going to restart and this time I expect I can do it without all the pleas for help.  :-)

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