[ImageJ-devel] Netbeans and Maven

Johannes Schindelin schindelin at wisc.edu
Tue Feb 12 17:31:22 CST 2013

Hi Gerrit,

On Wed, 13 Feb 2013, Johannes Schindelin wrote:

> On Tue, 12 Feb 2013, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
> I guess the problem is as I indicated a couple of weeks ago (and as you
> might have guessed, I really did not get around to take care of it until
> today): initializing upload sites via SSH only works if you have
> ij-updater-ssh.jar installed (it comes from the ImageJ update site and
> is *not* installed by default).
> So for the time being, could you look for that file in the uninstalled
> files view in the advanced mode of the updater and install it?

Actually, it seems that something else went wrong in your Fiji. Is there
some other message in the Console before what you reported? I do get
something along the lines

	'jars/rsyntaxtextarea.jar' from update site 'Fiji' shadows the one
		from update site 'ImageJ'
	Found 293 plugins.
	Created service: imagej.htread.DefaultThreadService
	Created service: imagej.event.DefaultEventService
	Created service: imagej.plugin.DefaultPluginService
	Found 3 upload mechanisms.

Later on I do get

	Found 219 plugins.
	Created service: imagej.htread.DefaultThreadService
	Created service: imagej.event.DefaultEventService
	Created service: imagej.plugin.DefaultPluginService
	Found 1 upload mechanisms.

and then when I try something similar to you (initialize an update site
via SSH), after tons of "file: ..." and "dependency ..." lines:

	Uncaught exception in thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
	java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No uploader found for protocol ssh

I will work on that issue (which can be worked around as I suggested, by
installing ij-updater-ssh.jar first, or as I suggested originally, by
installing to a local directory using the file:localhost "SSH host" and
then copying the files over to the final destination) that the SSH upload
protocol should be installed transparently when needed.


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