[ImageJ-devel] [fiji-devel] ImgLib2 merge to master

Stephan Saalfeld saalfeld at mpi-cbg.de
Thu Apr 21 08:10:02 CDT 2011

Hi Albert,

> imglib used to work without maven. So before writing code for imglib I
> have to learn how to use eclipse and before that, how to use maven?

No---but it makes life easier.  You are free to import each project
independently and care about the editor, builder/dependencies yourself
like in any other project.  E.g. imglib2-core has no dependencies which
makes that extremely easy.

> I imported the project by creating a new java project and telling it
> to use the imglib folder.

You have to use the src/main/java folder and, if you like the
src/test/java folder as well.  Eclipse lets you add/edit/remove source
folders later easily.


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