[ImageJ-devel] [fiji-devel] ImgLib2 merge to master

Albert Cardona sapristi at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 07:53:13 CDT 2011

2011/4/21 Stephan Saalfeld <saalfeld at mpi-cbg.de>:
> Hi Albert,
> as Steffi pointed out, you are missing dependencies as is shown in the
> Problems window.  You may not see detailed compile errors before the
> project settings are reasonably in place.  In the left tab, you have
> been diving into the file tree instead the source package tree which is
> on top and closed.  Have you imported the project using Maven?

imglib used to work without maven. So before writing code for imglib I
have to learn how to use eclipse and before that, how to use maven?
Great way to keep anyone from contributing.

I imported the project by creating a new java project and telling it
to use the imglib folder.

The source package tree at the top is not closed: it's empty. Git
didn't remove the empty folders, there may have been temp ".~" files
in them.

Perhaps I should import each imglib1 and imglib2 as separate projects.
Trying that. Yes, that restored sanity. Should have thought of that



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