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Multifrac (ImageJ / Fiji plugins)
Author Ivan G Torre
Update site Multifrac
Maintainer Ivan G Torre
Source on GitHub
Initial release 06.05.2020
Latest version 06.05.2020
Category Analysis, Citable, Feature Extraction, ImageJ2, Mathematical morphology, Plugins, Stacks

Multifrac is an ImageJ plugin for fractal, multifractal and scaling analysis and characterization of 2D and 3D gray and B&W stack images. It has been particularly developed for the study of CT-scan images on soil science but it is recommended for complexity analysis in any kind of image.


Please when using the plugin, cite:

  • I. G. Torre, R. J. Heck and A. M. Tarquis, MULTIFRAC: An ImageJ plugin for multiscale characterization of 2D and 3D stack images, preprint.


Run Help › Update... and choose Manage update sites. Activate the Multifrac checkbox in the alphabetically-sorted list of update sites. Press OK, then Apply changes. Restart ImageJ. That's it. Enjoy Multifrac!


Multifrac is an ImageJ plugin for the analysis and characterization of 2D and 3D stack images. This tool is specifically designated for the analysis of soil pore structure and scaling behaviour and patterns therein. Main features of Multifrac are:

  • Monofractal analysis of black and white images
  • Multifractal analysis with box counting and gliding box methodologies ofr gray images.
  • Lacunarity analysis
  • Characteristic length and configuration entropy analysis.

This plugin has extensively used with real soil samples and results published in high impact factor journals.


All changes can be seen in the GitHub source repository.

2020/05/06: First released