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Colour Deconvolution

Colour Deconvolution
Project Fiji
Source on GitHub
License GPLv3
Release 3.0.2
Date Sat Apr 29 22:36:16 CDT 2017
Development status Active
Support status Active
Founders Gabriel Landini
Leads Gabriel Landini
Developers Gabriel Landini
Debuggers Gabriel Landini
Reviewers Gabriel Landini
Support Gabriel Landini
Maintainers Gabriel Landini, Curtis Rueden
Contributors Johannes Schindelin, Mark Hiner, Benjamin Pavie

Similarly to the command Image  › Color  › RGB split, this plugin unmixes an RGB image produced by subtractive mixing (inks, histological dyes) into separate channels corresponding to up to 3 determined colors. This is useful e.g. to do pigment separation.


See Gabriel Landini webpage.

This plugin implements the method described in the following paper:

Ruifrok, A.C. & Johnston, D.A. (2001), "Quantification of histochemical staining by color deconvolution", Anal. Quant. Cytol. Histol. 23: 291-299, PMID 11531144

Version history

  • 30/Mar/2004 released - based on macro code from A.C. Ruifrok.
  • 03/Apr/2004 resolved ROI exiting
  • 07/Apr/2004 added Methyl Green DAB vectors
  • 08/Jul/2004 shortened the code
  • 01/Aug/2005 added fast red/blue/DAB vectors
  • 02/Nov/2005 changed code to work with image stacks (DLC - dchao at fhcrc org)
  • 02/Nov/2005 changed field names so user-defined colours can be set within macros (DLC - dchao at fhcrc org)
  • 04/Feb/2007 1.3 disable popup menu when right clicking
  • 23/May/2009 added Feulgen-light green vectors
  • 14/Apr/2010 v 1.4 added Giemsa vector (Methylene blue & eosin). The images are now names "title"-(Colour_1) etc so there are not clash of names when using [ ]. The log window now prints the java code of the translation matrix to include new vectors in the plugin. Added "Hide legend" option.
  • 22/Jun/2010 v 1.5 added Masson Trichrome vector (Methyl blue & Ponceau Fuchsin only (this does not have Iron Haematoxylin vector!). Fixed bug: check for 0 components before hiding legend (otherwise there was no image shown if legend hidden)
  • 26/Mar/2011 v.1.6 added Brilliant_Blue stain.
  • 03/Aug/2011 v1.7 added progress bar (thanks to Oskari Jaaskelainen), added warning about immunostains.
  • 17/Oct/2015 v 1.8 B. Pavie refactorized the code into multiple classes and made some public method to generate the result ImageStacks without displaying them so it can be called from scripts.

Menu path

Image  › Color  › Colour Deconvolution