[ImageJ-devel] [ImageJ] #1553: Make it easier for non-core-IJ2 developers to respond to tickets

ImageJ trac at imagej.net
Thu Sep 5 12:23:58 CDT 2013

#1553: Make it easier for non-core-IJ2 developers to respond to tickets
 Reporter:  dscho         |       Owner:  dscho
     Type:  defect        |      Status:  reviewing
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  imagej2-b8-analysis
Component:  Server Admin  |     Version:
 Severity:  serious       |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:  1915          |

Comment (by curtis):

 More and more, I want to migrate everything to GitHub Issues. Yes, it
 sucks when GitHub is down. Yes, we need to back up the tickets from there.
 But it would be ''far'' less time than maintaining a custom solution in an
 ever-hackier Trac installation, which is relatively less and less popular
 over time. Using GitHub Issues integrates with our other GitHub usage, is
 familiar to more and more developers, integrates with an increasingly
 large number of dev tools (such as Eclipse's Mylyn). Lastly, creating a
 new GitHub issue is a snap. Super fast, super easy. Better for core
 developers, better for the extended community.

 We are already using GitHub Issues with both ImgLib2 and SCIFIO now and it
 works well. The only thing I really miss from our Trac setup is
 hierarchical issues, but I am confident we can find an acceptable solution
 or substitute.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.imagej.net/ticket/1553#comment:11>
ImageJ <http://trac.imagej.net>
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