[ImageJ-devel] SCIFIO via Avian, was Re: [VIGRA] Avian VM and Bio-Formats

Johannes Schindelin Johannes.Schindelin at gmx.de
Thu Nov 28 12:26:45 CST 2013

Hi Ulli,

since you had the impression in a recent Skype chat that nothing has
happened with this project of mine since the last time I wrote a mail, let
me clarify the status, and add a few questions of my own.

[sorry for the long mail, everyone, I tried to make it more succinct, but
despite spending three hours on this mail, I did not succeed.]

On Thu, 17 Oct 2013, Johannes Schindelin wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Oct 2013, Ullrich Koethe wrote:
> > thank you for this very encouraging effort! Do I understand correctly
> > that you achieved the following:
> > 
> > * embed Avian in a C++ program
> > * call BioFormats via the embedded Avian to convert a file into
> > another format
> Yes, that is essentially what I did. Except that the C++ program was
> Avian's default one.

I still use Avian's default executable (which essentially is a Java
look-alike) for the moment, so the main program is still a Java one, the
plan being to make this a C++ library that starts the Avian VM on demand.

But in the meantime, I use SCIFIO instead of Bio-Formats. The reason is
that Bio-Formats was not designed with a flexible data store in mind.
SCIFIO (which is essentially to Bio-Formats what ImageJ2 is to ImageJ1: a
complete overhaul of the architecture, applying lessons learned over the
years) offers a very convenient ImgOpener interface that works on ImgLib2
data structures (which are, as I pointed out at EuBIAS in Barcelona, at
least partially modeled after VIGRA). In particular, SCIFIO does no
dictate what data storage should be used, but instead uses the interfaces
defined by ImgLib2 to access whatever data storage you throw at it.

The good news first: I essentially got SCIFIO running in an Avian VM on
top of data structures backed by VIGRA (see below for more about the
backing data structures).

To be able to do that, I had to work quite a bit on Avian and got already
18 pull requests merged into the official Avian's master branch, with
three still waiting to be reviewed and merged. There are basically only
two changes I still need to implement/clean up and submit pull requests
for: Proper support for Runtime#availableMemory() and

Among other things, I even had to implement a full regular expression
engine (technically, I could have punted on that and only provided
handling for special cases but that is a very fragile solution and prone
to break; besides, I always wanted to implement a regex engine to
understand how these things work). So while there were some serious
obstacles, I am starting to see the sun. In fact, the remaining parts are
so easy, a first-year student could finish this project (under my
guidance, at least).

To put things into perspective, and also to correct your impression how
dedicated I am to this project: My first commit in the Avian project was
on October 17th -- the earliest date I could afford to work on this topic
after coming back from the EuBIAS meeting -- and in Avian's master branch
I am already the top #5 committer with 86 non-merge commits -- despite a
full week dedicated to a KNIME hackathon, and some intense release
engineering for the nar-maven-plugin mentioned below. The outstanding pull
requests should soon add 41 commits to that so that I'll be within 17
commits to tie top committer #3. For the record, Avian's initial commit
dates May 21st, 2007, i.e. within less than three percent of Avian's life
time, I made the top 5 of 44 committers in total. You see: I am dead set
to see VIGRA/SCIFIO integration working via Avian.

I also had to work on SCIFIO a little bit -- mainly bugs that were outside
the default call path, easily fixed with the awesome help of Mark Hiner
and Curtis Rueden.

To compile the native part, I use the nar-maven-plugin (which I foolishly
took maintainership of, but at least we have something pretty reliable now
both as plugin and as project). Tobias pointed out a few problems (due to
very unfortunate timing, I did not have the chance to fix them other than
suggest to use a stable Linux to compile rather than updating to a
just-released XCode and expect things to work flawlessly -- history be
ignored) that are mostly fixed now, thanks to the awesome Curtis Rueden
who cannot be thanked enough for all his help!

If you want to try things out, you will need to

- have compiled and installed VIGRA (I actually tested with revision
  494bd66423782280f31239b12dd2e7a6184d916b and had no reason to update so

- have an Oracle JDK for compiling (*not* for running)

- have a working Maven (e.g. from
  Maven is essentially for Java what CMake tries to be for C++, but Maven
  is both easier to use and to extend.

- have the following branches of the following projects built (just call "mvn
  install" after cloning and switching to the correct branch):

  'avian' of https://github.com/scifio/scifio
  'debug/scifio' of https://github.com/dscho/avian
  'wip' of https://github.com/dscho/vigra-imglib2

After that, 'avian-run.sh' in the vigra-imglib2 directory should be able
to convert any given grayscale /tmp/img.pgm into a /tmp/img.tiff (being
read by SCIFIO, written by VIGRA). Yes, this does not do anything
interesting, but the example was designed to demonstrate the interaction
between SCIFIO and VIGRA, nothing else.

Depending on how fast we can resolve the questions below, I estimate that
we can have a stable C++ library offering SCIFIO to VIGRA (based on
'master' or even release versions of scifio, avian and vigra-imglib2)
early next year.

> > but you didn't yet try to use Avian/BioFormats to read the data
> > directly into a C++ data structure (such as vigra::MultiArray)? Is
> > this latter step easy to achieve using standard JNI tools once the
> > embedding/running of BioFormats works?
> That would be the next step after cleaning up my Avian patches and
> trying to read files via SCIFIO.

As I said, Bio-Formats does not lend itself to that kind of usage. It will
always require you to copy the data after reading them. SCIFIO, in
contrast, allows you to specify the factory to make instances of the
backing data store, including VIGRA-backed ones. This, BTW, is working now.

> Once I can call a Java class that uses SCIFIO to read a file, it should be
> very, very easy to access the read data via C++. Of course, the ultimate
> goal would be to let SCIFIO read the data *directly* into VIGRA's data
> structures, something I hope ImgLib2 makes easy: I would simply wrap the
> C++ arrays in an ImgLib2-compatible container and ask SCIFIO to use that
> as the destination.

I had a proof-of-concept of that VIGRA-backed ImgFactory already on
October 24th, thinking that maybe you'd have a glimpse at the progress in
my (public) GitHub repository ;-)

So now -- as promised -- the questions:

* SCIFIO's jpg and png support rely on Java Advanced Imaging which in turn
  relies on AWT (which is not available in Avian's class path library).
  While my long-term plan is to implement enough of AWT to support JAI,
  would it be okay to punt on jpg/png support via SCIFIO for now?

* as discussed in Skype, I am a bit lost (seven years after my last
  serious design of a C++-based architecture) how to make sure that once
  created in the Java part, the data structures are actually handled using
  the correct specializations of the C++ templates: SCIFIO can return images
  of any number of dimensions and any data type.

  My first idea would be to have the callback into C++ that creates the
  data structure (and needs to know the number of dimensions and the data
  type, of course) not only create the data structure but also provide
  kind of a virtual function table associated with said data structure. In
  essence, the C++ caller would pass a container to SCIFIO which would not
  only contain a pointer to the MultiArray upon return but also a pointer to
  the virtual function table of functions that are to be called on the
  loaded image.

  However, since you have waaay more extensive experience with this type of
  interfacing, may I ask you to whip up a quick mockup of the C++ side of
  this? IOW: how would you like the C++ side of the SCIFIO opener to look

* also as discussed in Skype, there is the issue whose responsibility it
  is to allocate and hold the data (including reference counting and
  especially releasing the memory at the appropriate time): Java's, or

  For the benefit of those who have not been in that Skype chat, let me
  summarize the options we discussed (note that I make no distinction
  between Avian or Oracle JRE because Tobias wants to make the
  VIGRA/ImgLib2 bridge work in the other direction, using Oracle Java):

  From Java's perspective, the easiest would be if Java would allocate the
  memory because Java's memory management is pretty adamant about full
  control: to avoid memory fragmentation, Java's garbage collector wants
  to be able to shift data around (and therefore, it not only needs a
  reference *count* but a *list* of references and the ability to update
  them). For interaction with C/C++, Java has the notion of "pinning",
  i.e. telling the garbage collector that no, this chunk of memory needs to
  stay *exactly* where it is, right now, until I say otherwise. The API
  calls are named Get*ArrayElements()/Release*ArrayElements() for "pin"
  and "unpin" respectively. *All* the documentation referring to this feature
  say that pinning should be avoided, hampering performance of Java rather

  From my own perspective, the easiest seemed to be to let VIGRA do all
  the data management and provide accessors for Java. Currently, still
  being in proof-of-concept phase, I was satisfied with individual JNI
  calls accessing the pixels individually, content with the notion that
  Avian (and most likely also Oracle's JRE) would be clever enough to
  optimize most of the call chain, even if the C++ function wrapping the
  call to MultiArray's [] operator will not be inlined, of course. Tobias
  pointed out correctly that we should be able to make use of the
  DirectByteBuffer feature to make this faster. And indeed, it is very
  easy: standard JNI provides the NewDirectByteBuffer() function accepting
  an address and a capacity and that's that. No pinning needed. Just your
  responsibility to make sure that endian issues do not bite you (I almost
  wrote "byte you" here...): Java handles *all* data as big endian.

  From Tobias' perspective, it looked the best to use the sun.misc.Unsafe
  class to allocate the memory (which would give us both an
  eternally-pinned C++ byte array as well as a Java byte[] access), then map
  it into VIGRA via a custom allocator. As I pointed out, my gut feeling
  strongly suggested this to be a finicky solution. In the meantime, I can
  put this into more coherent words (it does help that I thought these
  thoughts in a different week now than the one that was theoretically
  dedicated to the KNIME hackathon): if Unsafe is used to allocate the
  memory, the responsibility for releasing the memory should logically
  *also* be on the Java side, but by calling this from a C++ allocator, the
  roles are now confused: if C++ allocates the data structure, the C++
  destructor *needs* to release the memory, too.

  So the three options are:

	1) allocating/deallocating in Java, pinning whenever we call C++
	   (making sure that C++ does not keep any references after

	2) allocating/deallocating in C++, providing Java with access to
	   the allocated memory

	3) allocating/deallocating in C++, except allocating the pixel
	   array using Java's Unsafe class (requiring the Java VM to
	   continue up and running during the complete life time of the

  I actually see the need for both 1) and 2) because we either start the
  bridge from C++ (in which case we'll want to let go of the VM as soon as
  the image is read/processed) or from Java (in which case we'll want the
  optimal performance of the Java code), but my experience tells me that
  3) will only lead to problems because of muddled responsibilities and
  therefore ample opportunity for race conditions.

  Having said that, quite often elegant design does not quite provide the
  performance we need. Therefore, I believe that we absolutely require a
  performance testing framework and preferably implementations of all
  three allocation methods mentioned above, to be pitted against each
  other (and may the fastest survive).

  Tobias, I guess this means you: you mentioned that you wrote such a
  performance test already (but I vaguely remember that you said you no
  longer have it, which means that you'll have to do it again). It will be
  essential to be able to test performance regularly, not only to test
  existing allocation strategies against each other, but new ones, too,
  and also different virtual machines (or versions thereof, think of the
  different performance characteristics of different versions of Oracle's

  So here the question: Tobias, where is that performance testing
  framework? If it is no longer there, when do you think you will have it

- from day one of my project, I developed this project in the open, for
  everybody to see, with at least three status updates. I understand that
  you worked on very related things, but instead of going on a hunt through
  your combined GitHub repositories to find it and try to avoid duplicating
  your work, may I ask you to tell me what you did so far, where I can
  find it, and where you want to go with it?

Happy thanksgiving!

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