[ImageJ-devel] Failure of Netbeans project to build

Johannes Schindelin Johannes.Schindelin at gmx.de
Fri May 24 14:51:43 CDT 2013

Hi Chris,

On Fri, 24 May 2013, Chris wrote:

> Below is the relevant feedback from my console that prevents me from
> building and running my project.  It seems to be linked to SNAPSHOT:
> Downloading:
> http://download.java.net/maven/2/unknown/binary/AbsoluteLayout/SNAPSHOT/AbsoluteLayout-SNAPSHOT.pom
> The POM for unknown.binary:AbsoluteLayout:jar:SNAPSHOT is missing, no
> dependency information available

>From your POM you sent earlier, it appears as if you wanted to provide the
AbsoluteLayout artifact via an in-repository repository in the lib/

I *suspect* that you simply copied AbsoluteLayout.jar into lib/, but that
does not make lib/ a Maven repository. You have to "deploy" it there:

	mvn deploy:deploy-file \
		-DrepositoryId=unknown-jars-temp-repo \
		-Dfile=AbsoluteLayout.jar \
		-DgroupId=unknown.binary -DartifactId=AbsoluteLayout \

because Maven will add metadata about the version and use a standard
directory layout there.

I suspect, though that your version will trigger an error because it does
not follow any convention I know of: SNAPSHOT versions still need to have
a valid version prefix.

Also, I suspect that you did not follow the help on
because I could find information about the AbsoluteLayout dependency
pretty easily via our Maven repository:

Clicking on the RELEASE72 line, I got this:



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