[ImageJ-devel] Finding classes and importing the right Maven artifacts

Michael Doube michael at doube.net
Thu Jul 26 02:47:41 CDT 2012

>> Mostly, Eclipse has handled that OK. But, now I'm editing my pom.xml and
>> am missing a couple of dependencies, which are really hard to find.

OK, so I found them by trial and error by searching at
http://maven.imagej.net:8081/index.html#welcome and editing pom.xml
until build errors went away.

What was tripping me up was that there are several versions of
ij-platform, for example. The beta releases (fixed states, right?) and
the SNAPSHOTS (updating often, right?). So far, so good. But, then there
are versions 2.0-SNAPSHOT and 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT. And one with a sources
classifier. And there is also an ij-platform artifact with the group ID
imagej, version 2.0-SNAPSHOT, and several others with group ID
net.imagej. So, even guessing the right artifact name could point at
eight distinct actual artifacts.

Even more confusing is this recommendation for pom.xml at


Which makes it look like ImageJ1 is under net.imagej and ImageJ2 is
under imagej.

Guidance, please?


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