[ImageJ-devel] KNIME Image Processing 1.0 and ImageJ2 Integration

Martin Horn Martin.Horn at uni-konstanz.de
Wed Aug 1 10:39:00 CDT 2012

Hi all,

we are glad to announce that with yesterday's release of KNIME v2.6 
(http://www.knime.com/Version260) also the first mature version of the 
KNIME Image Processing Extension 
(http://tech.knime.org/community/image-processing) is available. We made 
a lot of changes under the hood and from now on we will try hard to be 
backwards compatible
whenever possible (e.g. all workflows created with nodes of a 1.*.* 
version of this extension can be restored with the newest version).

Furthermore, we provide the first public version (still beta) of the 
ImageJ2 integration (http://tech.knime.org/community/imagej) allowing 
the easy creation of ImageJ2 plugins as KNIME nodes.

Additionally, we set up the OMERO integration plugin with a prototypic 
OMERO 4.3.2 reader. Details of the progress of the OMERO integration can 
be found at http://tech.knime.org/community/omero.

Enjoy the combination of KNIME, ImgLib2, ImageJ, ImageJ2, OMERO and 
Bioformats altogether.

If you face any problems or have suggestions don't hesitate to contact us.


Christian, Martin & Michael

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