[ImageJ-devel] Auto-Documentation of Processing Chain: Extension of @Parameter Annotation

Oliver Gress oliver.gress at informatik.uni-halle.de
Wed May 18 08:42:15 CDT 2011

Hi everybody,

sorry for the long silence on our side, other projects had priority :-(

> First, a little background: as Johannes mentioned, there has been
> development of a "workflow engine" for ImageJ2:
> We have begun a reconciliation of the workflow engine with the plugin
> framework. Essentially, the toplevel idea is that of a "module" with
> and outputs; see:
> Anyway, none of this work precludes your implementation from being
useful as
> well, since our focus was not on data provenance at all yet (though we
> very interested in supporting it).

The IJ ideas of modules and work flows definitely seem to be related to
our automatic documentation framework Alida. 
However, we started with the idea to automatically create a
documentation of the data manipulations which gave rise to a given
(image) data object persistently stored (e.g., in files). E.g., for an
image on disk we want to know, how this image was generated. This means,
to trace back - potentially through different interactive (IJ) sessions
and/or processing started from command line - which operations
(including their parameter settings and software version) were applied
(in which sequence).
Of course, with proper manual documentation one can achieve this kind of
documentation as well, which however is cumbersome and error prone.

Another thread was to be able to use plugins/operations from within
other plugins and operations,
which for our feeling was not easy to accomplish in IJ1.
Furthermore, we like to be able to execute each plugin also from command
line (or rather shell scripts), to process large amounts of data sets or
to e.g. do grid search for parameters of our algorithms.
And preferable to be able to do so without programming efforts, e.g. to
generically execute plugins from command line.

These wishes led us to a framework of operators as the only place of
processing (which probably are very similar to IJ2 modules) and a
generic way to describe there interface (input and output data, control
parameter, supplemental parameters like verbose flag or flags to control
visualization of intermediate results), very similar to the @Parameter

At this point naturally the idea of visual programming came into play,
however, only thoughts (or rather dreams) for now.

> Would it be possible to extend or modify the @Parameter annotation to
> > categorize a field as input, output, parameter or supplemental?
> >
> Certainly! How about a "visibility" enum with values: NORMAL
> TRANSIENT (for no history), and INVISIBLE (for no recording nor
history). If
> anyone has an idea for better names, I'm all ears. In the meantime, I
> committed an initial version of this enum to SVN and updated the

First let us make sure whether we understand this correctly. An input
and/or output image would be NORMAL, whereas, e.g., a mask size or
stddev of a Gaussian would be TRANSIENT?
Is there a sensible situation for a transient output parameter,
which we can not conceive of?

If this is correct, we would suggest something like DATAFLOW  
in place of NORMAL, and e.g. CONTROL instead of TRANSIENT.
This might be more intuitive for programmers, as parameters like mask
size are, of course, "normal", too, and we have the association of data
flow and the control of plugins.

Two more issues regarding the @Parameter annotation from our side:
- we would strongly prefer to let have the @Parameter annotation the
  @Documented annotation so as to yield a complete javadoc
  describing the interface of the plugin/workflow

- How to cope with operations which modifiy their input
  data in place, and this modified data is the result of the plugin
  (like Smooth or Sharpen in the Process menue of IJ)?
  If we annotate such a plugin with one input parameter 
  we cannot (automatically) infer the complete data flow,
  as it is not evident, which data enters and leaves the plugin.

  Within the current framework this could be expressed using a second
  member annotated as output parameter, and the run method just assigns
  the input to the output member.
  Another option is to introduce (instead of the binary choice input or 
  ouput) the choice input or output or inoutput (maybe inputoutput)

  Conceptionally we prefer the second possibility, as it clearly 
  expresses what really happens (i.e. the input is modified, where I 
  assume by default that inputs are not modified).
  Pragmatically the first option might be advantageous as it does not
  require a change of the @Parameter annotation
  (but would ask the programmer to add the annotated output member and 
  the assign statement)

> We would really like to merge these annotations, because the
> > chain documentation could be easily employed by IJ plugins that use
> > @Parameter annotation and no additional annotation would be
> >
> Great, please let us know what else you need to make this happen!

we integrated our automatic documentation experimentally into IJ2.
(i) we introduced a few lines of code into the PluginRunner
    to either execute the Plugin's run() method or to pipe this
    through Alida's operator framework (depending on the alida.run 
    property given to the jvm).
    Besides adding some plugins this is the only modification of IJ
    (assuming the PluginRunner is the only place were a plugin is 
    generically started from within IJ)

    Probably this could be done nicer using the events as published by 
    the plugin runner
(ii) we added a Alida Plugin Wrapper - used in (i) - which essentially
    converts IJ's module info to its Alida counterpart

    However: currently we take the @Parameter annotations from the 
    ModuleInfo which excludes presets, thus, might get not all annotated
    parameters (which we should change) 

For testing
(iii) we added a plugin WriteHistory which takes an image and a
      file(name) as input and writes Alida's processing history of the  
      image as enhanced graphml (i.e. xml) to the file (if properly 
      integrated this step would go to FileReader and FileSaver and 
      thus is transparent to the user)
(iv)  we derived plugins 
    - from IJs SharpenDataValues (which does not modify the input image,
      but rather a cloned version) and 
    - SmoothDataValues (with an additonal output assign from the input, 
      see input/output issue above) and added plugins
    - ALDDemo which internally used Alida operators
    - ALDDemo2 which internally first used the modified 
      SharpenDataValues-plugin and on the result the modfied 
The resulting IJ snapshot may be downloaded from

(Note: you need to start the JVM with the property alida.run set)

This zip contains in addition
- a README-ALIDA with some more details as well as
- a sample Alida History File (sample.ald) and a screen shot thereof.
- the source files mentioned above (alida-ij-sources.zip)

We tested only under Linux.

This .ald file may be viewed with Chipory, which we derived from the
graph editing and visualization tool Chisio. Chipory is available for
linux system as a zip file and for windows as a self extracting archive.

Both along with more details on and source code of Alida as well as
Chipory is available at Alidas home page
	(soon: www.informatik.uni-halle.de/alida)

We welcome to test the stuff and we are hoping for comments and
suggestions from any side!

BTW: Is there a intended scheme to invoke a plugin from within another
plugin? (In the above sketched integration we create an instance of a
PluginEntry using a class object and the classname (as a string) and use
this entry to instantiate a PluginModule (which is than run as an

> Lastly, I will second Johannes's question: are you planning to open
> this work? Or is it already available somewhere? Would you be
interested in
> integrating it into ImageJ2 core?

we just made Alida available under the GPL (soon
www.informatik.uni-halle.de/alida) and of course we are also interested
to integrate it into the ImageJ2 core.

Best - Oliver, Stefan on behalf of the complete Alida team.

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