[ImageJ-devel] Labeling / segmentation proposal for imglib

Albert Cardona sapristi at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 16:02:44 CST 2010

2010/11/16 Lee Kamentsky <leek at broadinstitute.org>:
> Now I do ;-)
> I think the ShapeImage container is not appropriate since it's based on
> java.awt.Shape - I think that segmentation results are too general to be
> represented by shapes, the ShapeListCache doesn't scale to hundreds of
> labels per image,

The cache is per cursor, and simply stores the last N desired visited locations.

> and the typical algorithms used on these sorts of results
> might not be efficient.

Have you tried it? I have. Currently, giant (>5000) areas are rendered
in 3D using marching cubes and it works great.

> Also, using java.awt on the Mac will cause
> difficulties for CellProfiler and others because of some unfortunate
> implementation decisions in awt and Mac OS beyond our control.

java.awt.Shape is an interface. That shouldn't cause any problems.
java.awt.geom.Area, java.awt.Rectangle, and others, are in the
java.awt package but have nothing to do with the GUI awt classes. They
can be used cleanly.

You may want to give it a second look and run some tests.



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