After installing Fiji, go to "Help" => "Update..." => "Manage update site" => select "PET-CT" => apply change.
This will bring up a list of all plugins, not all of which need be installed. For example you may not want Read_ClearCanvas_Studies.jar and/or Read_BI_Studies.jar. In such cases click on "Status/Action" and choose "Keep as-is"
The software
- Pet_Ct_Viewer.jar
This is the basic package needed by all other plugins. Help
- Read_CD.jar
This reads from multiple sources and automatically calls Pet Ct Viewer if appropriate. Help
- Gastric_Emptying.jar
This contains multiple Nuclear Medicine and general purpose programs:
- Read_BI_Studies.jar
This is for read-write to the Beth Israel miniPacs. Help The program to set up the database createBIdatabase.jar is not part of Fiji and needs to be downloaded and run separately. Help
- Read_ClearCanvas_Studies.jar
This is used for reading Clear Canvas studies. Help
- StartupMacros.ijm
This is the suggested list of programs to automatically start when Fiji is started.
For questions please contact me at