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All I/O plugins

OlympusViewer Plugin (ImageJ)
Author OLYMPUS CORPORATION (olympus-imagejplugin at
Source The source code of plugin is in Olympus_Viewer.jar. The source code of native library is not provided.
Initial release Dec. 9, 2015: First version Ver.1.1.1
Latest version Mar. 17, 2020: Ver.2.3.1
Category Category:Import-Export

This plugin can load Olympus vsi/oir/omp2info file formats and show some meta data.


Please see also installation manual.


  1. Download here
  2. Extract the zip file.
  3. Execute OlympusViewer-win.exe. This file is in self-extracting format.
  4. If you agree to our end user license agreement, extract it to your specified folder.
  5. Unzip the
  6. Install vs2017 runtime if the runtime is not installed in your PC. The runtime is in OlympusViewer-package/WinRuntime. If you use 32bit OS, install VC_redist.x86.exe. If you use 64bit OS, install VC_redist.x64.exe
  7. Copy "OlympusViewer" folder in "OlympusViewer-package" folder to the plugins folder of your ImageJ directory. If ImageJ plugin folder already has OlympusViewer folder, delete the folder before copying.


  1. Download OlympusViewer-mac.dmg here
  2. Double click the dmg file.
  3. If you agree to our end user license agreement, extract it.
  4. Copy "OlympusViewer-Ver2.3.1" folder to the plugins folder of your ImageJ directory. If ImageJ plugin folder already has OlympusViewer folder, delete the folder before copying.

How to use

File Open

  1. Select a menu item ( Plugins -> OlympusViewer -> Viewer )
  2. Select a file.

Show Meta Data

  1. Select a menu item ( Plugins -> OlympusViewer -> ShowInfo )

Drag & Drop (ver2.1.1-)

  1. Select a menu item ( Plugins -> OlympusViewer -> DragDrop )
  2. Drop a image file.

Virtual stack mode for large images (ver2.2.1-)

  1. Select a menu item ( Plugins -> OlympusViewer -> DragDrop -> Use Virtual Stack for large images )
  2. Drop a image file.

Use Macro function (ver2.3.1-)

  1. Enable Macro Record function.
  2. Select menu item ( Plugins -> OlympusViewer -> Viewer )
  3. Select image file.
  4. You can see that Macro command was registered.

Macro sample code

Use GUI commands

  • Sample for opening an image:
run("Viewer", "open=D:/image/test/test.oir");
  • Sample for opening an image which has multiple groups or levels:
run("Viewer", "open=D:/image/test/test.vsi group1_level1");
  • Sample for opening images in a directory:
input = "D:/image/test/";

list = getFileList(input);
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++){
	path = input + list[i];
	run("Viewer", "open=[path]");
  • Sample for batch processing:

input = "D:/image/test/";

list = getFileList(input);
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++){
	path = input + list[i];
	run("Viewer", "open=[path]");
	// process image e.g. "run("Smooth", "stack");"
	saveAs("Tiff", "D:/image/test/out_" + i + ".tif");

Use programming interface

You can use programming interface by using OVMacro command.

  • Sample for opening an image:
  • Sample for opening an image which has multiple groups or levels:
Ext.openFile("D:/image/test/test.vsi", 1, 2); // Open Group 2, Level 3
  • Sample for opening images in a directory:
Ext.openFolder("D:/image/test"); // You can specify group and level like as openFile
  • Sample for getting number of groups and levels:
path = "D:/image/test/test.vsi";
Ext.getGroupCount(path, groupNum); // Get total count of groups
Ext.getLevelCount(path, groupNum-1, levelNum); // Get total count of levels
Ext.openFile(path, groupNum-1, levelNum-1); // Open last level of the last group

See Also

This plugin uses jai-imageio.