This is an archive of the old MediaWiki-based ImageJ wiki. The current website can be found at

2014-01-25 - Low Light Tracking Tool

Alexander Krull developed a low light tracking tool while working in Iva Tolic-Norrelykke lab at MPI-CBG.

The software is a tool for the tracking of low-light sub-resolution objects in fluorescent microscopy, but it can be applied in other fields as well. The plugin implements the localization algorithm described in the following paper:

Krull, A., Steinborn A., Ananthanarayanan V., Ramunno-Johnson D., Petersohn U., Tolic-Norrelykke I. M. A divide and conquer strategy for the maximum likelihood localization of low intensity objects. Opt. express, 22, no. 1, pp. 210-228, (2014)

As usual it is available through its own update site.

Thanks to Alex for this great work and Iva for being such a steadfast supporter of Fiji.