Authors: Ben Corry and Rasha Ruhayel (,
University of Western Australia
Perth, Australia
History: 2010/08/05: First version
Source: Contained in NMR_2D_Analysis.jar, which can be opened using a ZIP utility Installation: Download NMR_2D_Analysis.jar to the plugins folder, or subfolder, restart ImageJ. Detailed instructions for using the plug-in are given in NMR_2D_Analysis_Instructions.pdf
Description: Plugin for opening multiple experiments, analysing and integrating peaks in 2D NMR spectra. This plugin requires BrukerOpener.jar which should be downloaded into the Plugins folder. If ImageJ has trouble opening 2rr files, this older version of rr2iiOpener.class should be downloaded into the Plugins folder where BrukerOpener is saved.