Online Manual for the |
6. Colocalisation analysisColocalisation analysis is an subject plagued with errors and contention. The literature is full of different methods for colocalisation analysis which probably reflects the fact that one approach does not necessarily fit all circumstances. Analysis can be considered qualitative or quantitative. However, opinions differ as to which category the different approaches fall! Qualitative analysis can be thought of as "highlighting overlapping pixels". Although this is often given as a number ("percentage overlap") suggesting quantification, the qualitative aspect arises when the user has to define what is considered "overlapping". The two channels have a threshold set and any areas where they overlap is considered "colocalised". Qualitative analysis has the benefit of being readily understood with little expert knowledge but suffers from the intrinsic user bias of "setting the threshold". There are algorithms available which will automate the thresholding without user intervention but these rely on analysis of the image's histogram which is subject to user intervention during acquisition. Quantitative analysis removes user bias by analysing all the pixels based on of their intensity (it must be noted that some authors consider this a draw back rather than an advantage due to the intrinsic uncertainty of pixel intensity; see Lachmanovich et al. (2003) J. Microscopy, 212, 122-131). There are a number of coefficients detailed in the literature which can be calculated using ImageJ; each coefficient has it's strengths and weaknesses and should be thoroughly researched before being used. It is this requirement for the coefficient to be fully understood which is a disadvantage when trying to convey information to research peers who are experts in biology, and not necessarily mathematics. One key issue that can confound colocalisation analysis is bleed through. Colocalisation typically involves determining how much the green and red colours overlap. Therefore it is essential that the green emitting dye does not contribute to the red signal (typically, red dyes do not emit green fluorescence but this needs to be experimentally verified). One possible way to avoid bleed-through is to acquire the red and green images sequentially, rather than simultaneously (as with normal dual channel confocal imaging) and the use of narrow band emission filters. Single and unlabelled controls must be used to assess bleed-through.
6.0 Intensity Correlation Analysis
This plugin generates Mander’s coefficients (see below) as well as performing
Intensity Correlation Analysis as described by Li et al. To fully
understand this analysis you should read:
It is bundled with MBF ImageJ and can be downloaded alone
1. Open your two images (File/Open).
2. You must background subtract
each stack: 3. Run the ICA plugin (Plugins/Colocalization Analysis/Image Correlation Analysis)
Channel CombinationSelect the combination of channel colour, e.g. a TRITC vs FITC analysis would be Red:Green; a FITC vs DAPI would be Green: Blue. This determines the colouring given to the ICA plots and the merged image. Use ROI
Choose a ROI to analyse from the drop down box. Choose either ‘none’ to anlyse the whole image or “Channel 1:’ to analyse the pixels in both channels within the ROI selected in channel 1. Use ThresholdsIf this is
selected, pixels below the image’s threshold will not be included in the
analysis. For instructions on how to set the threshold, see: Keep merged ROIReturns a merged image of the analysed ROI (or full image). The merged colours are determined by the “Channel combination” selected. DisplaColour Scatter plot
This generates a scatter-plot of red intensities vs green intensities. The colour of the scatter plot pixel represents the actual colour in the image. This does not tell you the frequency of the pixel, but is easier to relate to the original image.
Display Frequency Scatter plot
Pearson's correlation (R)=0.34 Overlap coefficient (R)=0.40 Nred ÷ Ngreen pixels=0.66 Colocalisation coefficient for red (Mred)=0.96 Colocalisation coefficient for green (Mgreen)=0.49 |
TMRE (red) plus Mito-pericam (Green)
Pearson's correlation Rr=0.93 Overlap coefficient R=0.94 Nred ÷ Ngreen pixels=0.93 Colocalisation coefficient (red) Mred=0.99 Colocalisation coefficient (green) Mgreen=0.98 |
Both plugins generate various colocalisation coefficients: Pearson’s (Rr), Overlap (R) and Colocalisation (M1, M2) See Manders, E.E.M., Verbeek, F.J. & Aten, J.A. ‘Measurement of co-localisation of objects in dual-colour confocal images’, (1993) J. Microscopy, 169, 375-382. See tutorial sheet ‘Colocalisation’ for details. The threshold is also reported (0,0 means no threshold was used).
When a coefficient is calculated for two images, it is often unclear quite what this means, in particular for intermediate values. This raises the following question: how does this value compare with what would be expected by chance alone?
There are several approaches that can be used to compare an observed coefficient with the coefficients of randomly generated images. Van Steensel (3) adopted an approach where the observed colocalisation between channel 1 and channel 2 was compared to colocalisation between channel 1 and a number of channel 2 images that had been translated (i.e. displaced by a number of pixels) in increments along the image’s X-axis. Fay et al (4) extended this approach by translating channel 2 in 5-pixel increments along the X- and Y-axis (i.e., –10, –5, 0, 5, and 10) and ± 1 slices in the Z-axis. This results in 74 randomisations (plus one original channel 2). The observed correlation was compared to these 74 and considered significant if it was greater than 95% of them.
Costes et al. (5) subsequently adopted a different approach, based on “scrambling” channel 2. The original channel 1 image was compared to 200 “scrambled” channel 2 images; the observed correlations between channel 1 and channel 2 were considered significant if they were greater than 95% of the correlations between channel 1 and scrambled channel 2s.
Costes’ scrambled images were generated by randomly rearranging blocks of the channel-2 image. The size of these blocks was chosen to equal the point spread function (PSF) of the image.
An approximation of Costes’ approach is used by Bitplane’s Imaris and also the Colocalisation Test plugin. For Imaris, a white noise image is smoothed with a Gaussian filter the width of the image’s PSF. The Colocalisation Test plugin generates a randomized image by taking random pixels from the channel-2 image; it then smoothes the image with a Gaussian filter, which is again the width of the image’s PSF.
The Colocalisation Test plugin calculates Pearson’s correlation coefficient for the two selected channels (Robs) and compares this to Pearson’s coefficients for channel 1 against a number of randomized channel-2 images (Rrand).
Select the ROI you wish to analyze. You can choose “None,” “ROI in channel 1,” or “ROI in channel 2.” If an ROI is selected, but one is not present, then no ROI will be used. Alternatively, an image can be selected as a mask. Only pixels in channel 1 and channel 2 that correspond to a non-zero value in the mask will be included in the calculations.
The options here are either “Fay (translation)” or “Costes (smoothed noise)” or “van Steensel (x-translation)”. If “Costes” is selected, a second dialog will open after the first is “okayed”; this allows the user to define the PSF width and whether pixels are randomized in the Z-axis also.
If this is checked, then pixels with a value of zero in both channels will be ignored as background. Checking this option generates values that more closely resemble those generated by Imaris (with no mask).
If you choose two stacks, but wish only to analyze the current slice, selecting this option will compare the current slice of channel 1 with its corresponding slice in channel 2.
Select this if you wish to keep a single example of a randomized image (or a stack if it a stack analysis).
Montage of z-slices from a raw channel 2 image (ER-GFP expressing HeLa cell) |
Montage of z-slices from an example randomized image that has been randomized in x, y AND z. |
Montage of z-slices from an example randomized image that has been randomized in x, y only. |
Montage of z-slices from an example randomized image that has been randomized in x, y only and with ch2 selected as a mask. |
Randomising in the z-axis generates data that is more consistent with that of Imaris. For example: ER-Mito.tif (red) and ER-Mito.tif (green)
Randomisation of Ch2 |
R(obs) |
R(rand) mean±sd |
%(Ro>Rr) |
Iterations |
Randomisation |
PSF width |
Costes X, Y,Z |
0.357 |
0.002±0.003 |
100% |
10 |
Costes X, Y, Z |
0.514 µm |
Costes X, Y |
0.357 |
0.477±0.001 |
0% |
10 |
Costes X, Y |
0.514 µm |
Imaris |
0.357 |
1.00 |
0.514 µm |
If you have opted for Coste’s method of randomization, a second dialog will appear.
For a single slice image this option does nothing. For stacks randomized with Costes’ approach this option will activate randomization in z as well as in x and y. When this is unchecked, random pixels are taken from a channel 2 slice and put in the same slice in the randomized channel 2 images. If this option is checked, the minimum and maximum pixel intensities in the stack are calculated, and random values in this range are added to each slice.
Enter the pixel size here. If the image is properly calibrated then the dialog pulls the correct value from the image.
Enter the central emission wavelength of channel 2. This is typically an approximation; for traditional “red-dyes” this will be about 590 nm.
Enter the numerical aperture of the objective used to acquire the image
Enter the number of randomizations you wish to perform. The higher this number is the more accurate the data, but it will also take longer to calculate. This is an especially important factor to consider in stack analysis.
The above information (pixel size, wavelength, NA) is used to calculate the appropriate size for the Gaussian filter. You can override this, or if you do not know the appropriate settings then check the “Use Manual PSF” option and enter the PSF radius in pixels. Note: entering a value too small may result in positive colocalisation where there is none. See Costes’ supplemental material
Data generated with the following options: No ROI; Costes Randomization; Randomized in X and Y only.
Filename |
Robs |
Imaris R |
Rrand (mean±sd) |
Robs>Rrand |
Imaris P |
Iterations |
Randomization |
PSF width |
BBB_rgb |
0.002 |
0.002 |
0.002±0.004 |
54% |
0.602 |
10 |
Costes |
0.505 µm (5 pix.) |
Biofilm.lsm |
0.801 |
0.801 |
0.001±0.001 |
100% |
1.00 |
10 |
Costes |
0.544 µm (3 pix.) |
fluorescent cells |
0.363 |
0.363 |
-0.001±0.002 |
100% |
1.00 |
10 |
Costes |
0.884 µm (1 pix.) |
Nestin_GFP.tif |
0.256 |
0.256 |
-0.000±0.000 |
100% |
1.00 |
10 |
Costes |
0.884 µm (1 pix.) |
Syntaxin RGB |
0.617 |
0.617 |
0.005±0.014 |
100% |
1.00 |
10 |
Costes |
0.505 µm (5 pix.) |
ERMito stack |
0.398 |
0.398 |
0.464±0.001 |
0% |
1.00 |
10 |
Costes |
0.505 µm (5 pix.) |
ERMito ZProjection |
0.048 |
0.048 |
0.012±0.020 |
100% |
1.00 |
10 |
Costes |
0.505 µm (5 pix.) |
Robs = Pearson's
coefficient for ch1 v ch2;
Rrand = Pearson's coefficient for ch1 vs randomised ch2;
This performs analysis based on the approach of Costes et al ). Implementations of this approach can also be found in Bitplane’s Imaris and NIH’s MIPAV software.
The function of this approach is to determine automatically a threshold for each channel. Pixels below this threshold are ignored for the purposes of the colocalisation quantification.
The threshold is determined in two stages. First, an orthogonal regression is performed on the image’s scatterplot. Then, a threshold is stepped down along this regressed line. Pixels below this threshold are included in the calculation of Pearson’s coefficient. When Pearson’s coefficient equals zero, the threshold for subsequent calculations has been found.
results in the generation of a new greyscale image including only the
colocalised pixels (i.e., in which both channel 1 and channel 2 are above their
respective thresholds).
This option allows the image of colocalised pixels to be white; otherwise the pixel intensity will equal √(Ch1×Ch2).
This will generate a scatterplot (channel 1 along the x-axis; channel 2 along the y-axis) with both the linear regression line as well as the thresholds marked.
This option allows inclusion/exclusion of zero-zero pixels in the calculation of the thresholds. Including the zero-zero pixels results in calculated thresholds similar to Imaris; excluding them generates thresholds similar to those determined by MIPAV.
When clicked, this option activates the Results Options dialog (see below), and allows you to choose results are reported. By default, all results are reported. (The plugin should remember your preferences.) Other options can be easily added; contact Tony Collins for help with this.
Channel 1 |
Channel 2 |
Colocalisation Image:
Constant Intensity |
Colocalisation Image:
Variable Intensity |
Scatter plot generated |
scatterplot generated can be thought of as consisting of four quadrants (shown
in the scatter plot diagram as red, green, blue, and yellow).
Red quadrant = (Ch2>Ch2 threshold)&(Ch1<Ch1 threshold) = Ch2 above; Ch1 below;
Green quadrant = (Ch2<Ch2 threshold)&(Ch1<Ch1 threshold) = Ch1 below; Ch2 below;
Blue quadrant = (Ch2<Ch2 threshold)&(Ch1>Ch1 threshold) = Ch1 above; Ch2 below;
Yellow quadrant = (Ch2>Ch2 threshold)&(Ch1>Ch1 threshold) = Ch1 above; Ch2 above;
Returns the result of the orthogonal regression: Ch2 = (Ch1*m) + b.
Returns each threshold. Pixels below this threshold have a Pearson’s correlation coefficient of ~ zero. (Red + Green + Blue areas in Scatterplot 1).
Pearson’s correlation coefficient for all the non zero-zero pixels in the image
(ignores regression options).
Returns Pearson’s correlation coefficient for pixels where both Ch1 and Ch2 are above their respective threshold (yellow area in Scatterplot 1).
Returns Pearson’s correlation coefficient for pixels where either Ch1 or Ch2 are below their respective threshold (i.e., the Red + Green + Blue areas in Scatterplot 1). This indicates how well a threshold has been set. This value should be close to zero.
This generates a value for each channel. These are the colocalisation coefficients as described originally by Manders et al These coefficients do not set a threshold other than “greater than zero.”
This generates a value for each channel. This is a modification of Mander’s original formula, except the thresholds that have been calculated are used.
This is the number of voxels which have both channel1 and channel 2 intensities above threshold (i.e., the number of pixels in the yellow area of the scatterplot).
This is the percentage of voxels which have both channel 1 and channel 2 intensities above threshold, expressed as a percentage of the total number of pixels in the image (including zero-zero pixels); in other words, the number of pixels in the scatterplot’s yellow area ÷ total number of pixels in the scatter plot (the Red + Green + Blue + Yellow areas).
This generates a value for each channel. This is the number of voxels for each channel which have both channel 1 and channel 2 intensities above threshold, expressed as a percentage of the total number of voxels for each channel above their respective thresholds; in other words, for channel 1 (along the x-axis), this equals the (the number of pixels in the Yellow area) ÷ (the number of pixels in the Blue + Yellow areas). For channel 2 this is calculated as follows: (the number of pixels in the Yellow area) ÷ (the number of pixels in the Red + Yellow areas).
This generates a value for each channel. For channel 1, this value is equal to the sum of the pixel intensities, with intensities above both channel 1 and channel 2 thresholds expressed as a percentage of the sum of all channel 1 intensities; in other words, it is calculated as follows: (the sum of channel 1 pixel intensities in the Yellow area) ÷ (the sum of channel 1 pixels intensities in the Red + Green + Blue + Yellow areas).
This generates a value for each channel. For channel 1, this value is equal to the sum of the pixel intensities with intensities above both channel 1 and channel 2 thresholds expressed as a percentage of the sum of all channel 1 intensities above the threshold for channel 1. In other words, it is calculated as follows: (the sum of channel 1 pixel intensities in the Yellow area) ÷ (sum of channel 1 pixels intensities in the Blue + Yellow area)
Image |
Software |
%Vol |
%Ch1 |
%Ch2 |
ThreshCh1 |
ThreshCh2 |
BBB_rgb |
No threshold determined |
Imaris |
0.0 |
2.4 |
0.4 |
252 |
7 |
ImageJ (excl. 00*) |
0.0 |
0 |
0 |
255 |
7 |
ImageJ (incl. 00) |
0.0 |
0 |
0 |
255 |
7 |
Biofilm |
41.6 |
99.7 |
81.5 |
2 |
26 |
Imaris |
45.0 |
99.8 |
84.4 |
1 |
21 |
ImageJ (excl. 00) |
40.2 |
99.4 |
75.3 |
3 |
26 |
ImageJ (incl. 00) |
40.2 |
99.4 |
75.3 |
3 |
26 |
Fluorescent cells** |
7.9 |
33.2 |
36.1 |
74 |
51 |
Imaris |
56.1 |
83.9 |
98.3 |
11 |
5 |
ImageJ (excl. 00) |
6.8 |
16.2 |
22.5 |
77 |
51 |
ImageJ (incl. 00) |
53.3 |
79.7 |
96.7 |
13 |
6 |
Nestin_GFP |
5.2 |
32.4 |
30.3 |
63 |
39 |
Imaris |
14.9 |
47.3 |
53.9 |
36 |
23 |
ImageJ (excl. 00) |
5.5 |
18.6 |
21.0 |
61 |
38 |
ImageJ (incl. 00) |
13.0 |
34.4 |
40.5 |
38 |
24 |
ER-Mito Z-series |
8.8 |
44.3 |
39.4 |
15.3 |
20 |
Imaris |
22.8 |
66.1 |
59.6 |
8 |
10 |
ImageJ (excl. 00) |
8.2 |
39.5 |
37.6 |
15 |
20 |
ImageJ (incl. 00) |
18.1 |
62.1 |
53.8 |
9 |
12 |
Syntaxin RGB |
51.4 |
91.9 |
92.7 |
11 |
8 |
Imaris |
60.0 |
92.8 |
95.1 |
9 |
6 |
ImageJ (excl. 00) |
50.7 |
84.3 |
90.1 |
11 |
8 |
ImageJ (incl. 00) |
53.3 |
86.1 |
91.4 |
10 |
6 |
* Including (incl. 00) or excluding (excl. 00) zero-zero pixel pairs for calculation of the thresholds.
** There is considerable background in this image. See ImageJ sample “File/Open Samples/Fluorescent Cells”.
Users of Imaris are encouraged to use a third channel mask in their analysis: this would, in effect, exclude zero-zero pixels. For the purposes of the comparison above, no mask channel was used with Imaris or ImageJ. Below is a table of results using the mask option of ImageJ and Imaris for the Nestin_GFP example image.
File |
Software |
Mask |
Ch1 Threshold |
Ch2 Threshold |
Nestin_GFP |
Imaris |
Ch1 |
76 |
46 |
ImageJ |
Ch1 |
77 |
47 |
Imaris |
Ch2 |
60 |
41 |
ImageJ |
Ch2 |
61 |
42 |
Plugins/Colour functions/Colocalization . This plugin will generate an image of colocalised pixels and also an image of those colocalised pixels superimposed on a RGB-merge of two 8-bit images. This type of colocalisation requires users to decide a “threshold” value which can introduce bias.
This plugin highlights the colocalised points of two 8-bits images (or stacks). The colocalised points will appear white by default (Display value = 255). The plugin merges the red and green 8-bit channels to an RGB image and highlights the colocalised pixels in white. Pixels are considered colocalised if their intensities are higher than the threshold of their channels (set at 50 by default): and if the ratio of their intensity is higher than the ratio setting value (set at 50% by default). A second image of just the white colocalised pixels is generated if the “Also show colocalised pixels alone” option is checked
Menu command “Plugins/Stacks – RGB
functions/Colocalization finder
This plugin will prompt you for two grey-scale images and creates a scatter plot and a red-green merged image. The pixels represented by the scatter plot point can be highlighted by selecting the points with the rectangular selection tool only. The 32-bit scatter plot is best visualised after having had its contrast stretched (“Image/Adjust/Brightness&Contrast…”)