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13 Annotating images13.1 Scale barScale bars should be present on all publication/presentation images/movies. It’s worth putting them in sooner rather than later. Choose a standard scale bar size for all your images if possible to avoid confusion. 13.1.1 Spatial calibrationThe spatial calibration of an image can be found in ImageJ via the menu item “Image/Properties”. It can be manually (re)applied here also. The units ‘um” are automatically changed to “µm”. Biorad PIC, Noran MOV and Zeiss LSM confocal image files (Leica and Olympus?) are internally calibrated – based on the zoom and objective magnification settings. Some experimental file formats are not calibrated (e.g. Perkin Elmer) and some “exported” image files (e.g. Zeiss zvi’s exported as TIFFs) lose their calibration information. This is sloppy programming on part of the microscope manufacturers and it should be the pointedly drawn to their attention. If the files have no calibration, you need acquire images of a stage micrometer with the same settings (camera binning, objective, confocal zoom and frame size etc.) as your experiment. The calibration can be applied using the “Plugins/Spatial calibration/Set scale” command (see below). The spatial calibration can be found (and set) in the “Image/Properties” dialog. Also look at the “Microscope scale ” plugin which can be customised to apply spatial calibrations from a drop-down box of objectives (http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/plugins/microscope-scale.html). Many image processing functions can cause the spatial calibration to be lost– let me or Wayne Rasband know if you find one and we’ll try to fix it. If the final image has lost its calibration open original file and access the spatial calibration via: “Image/Properties”. Copy these values to the “Image/Properties” of your final, processed image. Replacing the word “micron” with “um” will automatically convert to “µm”. The spatial calibration can be reapplied in three ways: manually via the “Image/Properties” dialog; via the “Plugins/Spatial calibration/Copy Pixel Size ” plugin; or via the “Plugins/Spatial calibration/Set scale” command “Copy-calibration” “Set Scale”If you know the size of a feature (previously applied scale bar for instance) you can use this command to apply a calibration.
13.1.2 Adding scale-bar
13.2 Text and lines13.2.1 Issues with adding textAdding text to single frame images should be done in CorelDRAW or some such application so the text does not become part of the image and can therefore be edited/moved/removed at any time. Adding text to an image/movie is irreversible so should not be done on RAW data. Images can be copied to and pasted from the system clipboard between programs using the “Plugins/Utilities/Copy-Paste to clipboard ” panel (hot key: Shift+V) – only available using JRE 1.4 and above. If you find the image is not pasting accurately, try using the receiving application’s “Edit/Paste Special” function and select “Device independent bitmap”. Firstly, save your images before adding text. Many things can go wrong here and often cannot be corrected so it’s best to have a saved version ready to reopen.
13.2.2 Adding Text/Line/Box13.2.2.1 Adding to a single imageAdding a text line or box to a single frame should be done in a package such as CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, Deneba Canvas etc. (see 6.7.1). However, there are times when lines and boxes are required, e.g. to reference an analysed/sectioned region. Drawing of lines/boxes is achieved by first selecting the desired line/box in the image with the line/Rectangle ROI tool from the toolbar or defining the line/box via “Plugins/Specify ROI… ” or “Plugins/Specify Line… ”. The line/box can be resized here to the desired size/shape with the small square handles on the ROI. The line/box can then be stamped in to the image by right clicking on the image and selecting “Draw”. This will add the box/line to a single frame, the colour determined by the by the color picker toolbar button and the width in pixels defined in “Edit/Options/Line width”. Adding text is done by the toolbar’s text button. Click the toolbar; click the image; write the desired text. The font size is set by double clicking the toolbar-text button, the colour determined by the by the color picker toolbar button. Antialiasing can be turned on/off via the menu item “Edit/Options/Miscellaneous” (although this option does not affect the `Stamper plugins which have antialiasing on permanently). The text is stamped in to the image by right clicking and selecting “Draw”. Adding to movie-stackDrawing/writing on a stack only adds the drawn object to the current slice*. If you want the text/box/line to be added to an entire “movie stack” you need to create a new single frame image add the text/box/line to this and then add this single frame to the “movie stack”. This is best done by: 1. Duplicate a frame from the “movie stack” (“Image/Duplicate” and disable “Duplicate entire stack” option). 2. Rename (“Image/Rename”) “text/box/line image” 3. Select the whole image (“Edit/Selection/Select all” or Shift-A) 4. Edit/Clear 5. Go to the “movie stack” and select the desired text/box/line (see above). 6. Go to the “text/box/line image” 7. Restore the selection by “Edit/Selection/Restore” – or Shift-E. 8. Draw the selection (right click the selection and select Draw) 9. Use the Image Calculator (“Image/Calculator”) to add the “text/box/line image” to the “movie image”. *This may become redundant as ImageJ develops. Keep a look out in the ImageJ/News web page. 13.2.3 Adding timestamps
2. Run the “Plugins/Movies/Time Stamper” . 3. Enter appropriate settings. The X and Y location and font size are taken from the ROI and can be changed at this point. Remember, the bigger the text, the smoother it will look and the easier the timestamp will be to read. Bigger is better. It may be worth changing it to a consistent value for all your movies. Also, bear in mind that the interval needn’t be “time". The Time Stamper plugin also can be used to add “z-axis depths” to z-stacks and “angle of rotation” to rotating volume movies ( ° = Alt+247; µ = Alt+230). 13.2.4 Adding event marker to movieThe “Plugins/Movies/Event Stamper” plugin can be used to add text to a movie for a designated number of frames, e.g. “Agonist ON”. This is simply done by running the Event Stamper plugin setting the desired text in the “Text” box, enter start frame and end frame and click OK. The text size and location is taken from the current ROI and can be changed once the dialog is opened.
[1] This simple plugin simply points to the native menu command “Analyze/Set scale…” and is included here to keep the spatial calibration functions in one place. [2] This plugin simply points to the native menu command “Analyze/Tools/Scale bar…”. It is included here just to keep the spatial calibration functions in one place.