[ImageJ-devel] [fiji-devel] API-breaking change in SpimData and BigDataViewer projects

Saalfeld, Stephan saalfelds at janelia.hhmi.org
Thu Oct 1 23:02:16 CDT 2015

Great!  Just in time for the hackathon next week.  We will miss you!


On Thu, 2015-10-01 at 19:41 +0200, Tobias Pietzsch wrote:
> Hi,
> very long email coming. Here is to quickly find out if you should
> bother reading it:
> I’m preparing an update to the spim-data and bigdataviewer-core
> projects, that might break your code if you are using BigDataViewer or
> SpimData APIs.
> If you are not using these APIs, then you can stop reading now --
> nothing will change for users of the plugin.
> If you only use BDV as a visualization frontend, then most likely you
> will be not affected by the changes.
> If you wrote a BDV backend and/or SpimData ImgLoader, you WILL be
> affected. In the following I will describe how to fix your ImgLoaders.
> First some motivation, for why this API break is necessary:
> The basic idea of the API change is the following:
> So far, all BasicImgLoader<T> and derived interfaces have been
> generically typed on T, meaning that the ImgLoader would deliver
> images of type T for all timepoints and setups (angles, channels,
> etc).
> The new API moves the generic parameter one level deeper, to the
> setups. Now BasicImgLoader is not generic. It provides one
> BasicSetupImgLoader<T> for each setup.  T can be different for each
> setup.
> This will enable in the future to mix different types in one dataset.
> For example, in a multi-angle lightsheet dataset, raw you could have
> 16bit integer for the raw stacks of each angle, 32bit floating point
> for the multi-angle fusion and deconvolution result, and maybe 64 bit
> integers for some label fields that describe segmentation results etc.
> This could now all be stored in the same dataset.
> The introduction of this additional  BasicSetupImgLoader<T> interface
> level will also make it easy to merge datasets, where you combine in
> one dataset data from different sources (for example, raw data
> somewhere on a server, deconvolved data on a different sertver,
> segmentation result in local files, etc).
> Where is the code?
> The new API is implemented in the “types” branch of projects
> https://github.com/bigdataviewer/spimdata and
> https://github.com/bigdataviewer/bigdataviewer-core
> In addition, I already fixed the following projects that are using the
> API:
> https://github.com/bigdataviewer/bigdataviewer-server
> https://github.com/bigdataviewer/bigdataviewer_fiji
> https://github.com/bigdataviewer/SPIM_Registration
> https://github.com/fiji/MaMuT
> Everything is on branch “types”, with SNAPSHOT couplings between these
> projects.
> I plan to release it all in one go.
> What changed exactly?
> Basically, from a ImgLoader user perspective, instead of calling
> ViewId view = new ViewId( timepointId, setupId );
> imgloader.getImage( view );
> you will now call
> imgloader.getSetupImgLoader( setupId ).getImage( timepointId );
> There is one more change, which is unrelated (but I think this is a
> good time to put it in, while breaking API anyways).
> All  getImage() variants have additional optional parameter
> ImgLoaderHint... hints.
> This is used to pass hints to the ImgLoader implementations about how
> to best load the data. Currently, the only existing hint
> is ImgLoaderHints.LOAD_COMPLETELY. This is used in certain places in
> SPIM_Registration to tell BDV’s hdf5 ImgLoader that it should read the
> full image completely in one go (because this is faster than using a
> cached image when we already know that we will need to access every
> single pixel of the image). Of course, hints are just hints, and most
> ImgLoaders will just ignore them.
> ImgLoaders and SetupImgLoaders have been put into an interface
> hierarchy:
> BasicSetupImgLoader can give a T image for every timepoint.
> SetupImgLoader can additionally give a image converted to FloatType
> for every timepoint, and provide some metadata (this is required for
> SPIM_Reconstruction).
> BasicMultiResolutionSetupImgLoader has multiple resolutions of every T
> image for every timepoint.
> MultiResolutionSetupImgLoader provides both multi-resolution and
> float-converted data.
> ViewerSetupImgLoader is multi-resolution and provides additionally
> Volatile versions of each image (this is implemented by most bdv
> cached images)
> This hierarchy is paralleled by ImgLoaders:
> How can you fix your ImgLoader implementation?
> I tried to make that easy. The basic idea is the following:
> The old interface ImgLoader<T> (etc) is still available
> as LegacyImgLoader<T> (etc). You just use your old implementation and
> change "implements ImgLoader<T>" to "implements LegacyImgLoader<T>”.
> There is a LegacyImgLoaderWrapper<T> (etc) class that you can extends
> to wrap your (old) implementation as a ImgLoader conforming to the new
> API.
> More detailed instructions below.
> To test, get the “types” branch of projects
> https://github.com/bigdataviewer/spimdata and
> https://github.com/bigdataviewer/bigdataviewer-core
> Add SNAPSHOT dependencies in your projects pom.xml:
> <dependency>
> <groupId>sc.fiji</groupId>
> <artifactId>bigdataviewer-core</artifactId>
> <version>1.2.3-SNAPSHOT</version>
> </dependency>
> <dependency>
> <groupId>sc.fiji</groupId>
> <artifactId>spim_data</artifactId>
> <version>1.0.0-beta-8-SNAPSHOT</version>
> </dependency>
> and make the enforcer rules shut up about it:
> <properties><enforcer.skip>true</enforcer.skip></properties>
> Now you should get compile errors...
> Fix them as indicated above, and detailed in the following.
> To adapt an "old" ImgLoader:
> Assume for example OldImageLoader
> 1.) copy OldImageLoader to LegacyOldImageLoader
> 2.) in LegacyOldImageLoader: change implements ImgLoader<...> to
> implements LegacyImgLoader<...>
> 3.) Let OldImageLoader extends LegacyImgLoaderWrapper.
> For each public constructor, just call super( new
> LegacyOldImageLoader( ... constructor parameters ... )
> Remove the rest of the code.
> This satisfies all requirements of the ImgLoader interface. If you
> need to expose additional public API from your OldImageLoader, you can
> forward to the LegacyOldImageLoader which is available as member
> variable legacyImgLoader.
> To adapt an "old" ViewerImgLoader:
> For example CatmaidImageLoader
> 1.) copy CatmaidImageLoader to LegacyCatmaidImageLoader
> 2.) in LegacyCatmaidImageLoader:
> 2.1) change extends AbstractViewerImgLoader to extends
> AbstractLegacyViewerImgLoader:
> import bdv.AbstractViewerImgLoader;
> public class CatmaidImageLoader extends AbstractViewerImgLoader<
> ARGBType, VolatileARGBType >
> import bdv.spimdata.legacy.AbstractLegacyViewerImgLoader;
> public class LegacyCatmaidImageLoader extends
> AbstractLegacyViewerImgLoader< ARGBType, VolatileARGBType >
> 2.2) if you use VolatileGlobalCellCache in your ImgLoader:
> VolatileGlobalCellCache no longer has generic parameters. The generic
> parameter moved to the per-image CellCache.
> Also VolatileGlobalCellCache is no longer constructed with an
> CacheArrayLoader. This also moved to the per-image CellCache.
> -> Remove generics from VolatileGlobalCellCache
> -> Add generic parameter to per-image CellCache
> -> remove CacheArrayLoader parameter fron VolatileGlobalCellCache
> constructor. Instead, store your CacheArrayLoader into a member
> variable and use it to construct per-image CellCache.
> Here are all the lines that needed to be changed in
> LegacyCatmaidImageLoader:
> private final VolatileGlobalCellCache< VolatileIntArray > cache;
> ...
> cache = new VolatileGlobalCellCache< VolatileIntArray >(
> new CatmaidVolatileIntArrayLoader( urlFormat, tileWidth, tileHeight,
> zScales ), 1, 1, numScales, 10 );
> ...
> final CellCache< VolatileIntArray > c = cache.new VolatileCellCache<
> VolatileIntArray >( view.getTimePointId(), view.getViewSetupId(),
> level, cacheHints, loader );
> ...
> public VolatileGlobalCellCache< VolatileIntArray > getCache()
> And here is what they changed to:
> private final VolatileGlobalCellCache cache;
> private final CatmaidVolatileIntArrayLoader loader;
> ...
> cache = new VolatileGlobalCellCache( 1, 1, numScales, 10 );
> loader = new CatmaidVolatileIntArrayLoader( urlFormat, tileWidth,
> tileHeight, zScales );
> ...
> final CellCache< VolatileIntArray > c = cache.new VolatileCellCache<
> VolatileIntArray >( view.getTimePointId(), view.getViewSetupId(),
> level, cacheHints, loader );
> ...
> public VolatileGlobalCellCache getCache()
> 3.) Let CatmaidImageLoader extend LegacyViewerImgLoaderWrapper<
> ARGBType, VolatileARGBType, LegacyCatmaidImageLoader >
> For each public constructor, just call super( new
> LegacyCatmaidImageLoader( ... constructor parameters ... )
> Remove the rest of the code.
> The full CatmaidImageLoader looks like this:
> package bdv.img.catmaid;
> import net.imglib2.type.numeric.ARGBType;
> import net.imglib2.type.volatiles.VolatileARGBType;
> import bdv.spimdata.legacy.LegacyViewerImgLoaderWrapper;
> public class CatmaidImageLoader extends LegacyViewerImgLoaderWrapper<
> ARGBType, VolatileARGBType, LegacyCatmaidImageLoader >
> {
> public CatmaidImageLoader(
> final long width,
> final long height,
> final long depth,
> final double zScale,
> final int numScales,
> final String urlFormat,
> final int tileWidth,
> final int tileHeight )
> {
> super( new LegacyCatmaidImageLoader( width, height, depth, zScale,
> numScales, urlFormat, tileWidth, tileHeight ) );
> }
> }
> It would be cool if you could update your ImgLoaders as soon as
> possible. If there are any problems I’ll be happy to help. If your
> project is on github, I can also just fix it for you. Just let me
> know!
> I plan to merge the types branches of the above mentioned projects
> into the respective masters and release artifacts next Monday (5.
> October), and unless there are objections I would upload to Fiji
> updater next Friday (9. October).
> best regards,
> Tobias
> -- 
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