[ImageJ-devel] Please don't quit

Lee Kamentsky leek at broadinstitute.org
Wed Nov 5 13:50:47 CST 2014

Great Curtis, I even made it say "ImageJ for CellProfiler" in the system
info. So CellProfiler is all caught up, at least it's at 2.0.0 rc 16 -
hopefully largely locked-down from an API perspective.

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Curtis Rueden <ctrueden at wisc.edu> wrote:

> Hi Lee,
> > Please don't quit
> I would suggest avoiding a custom service. There are two other (hopefully
> simpler!) ways you can achieve your goal -- see below.
> First, a summary of the architecture:
> The current DefaultAppService responds to AppQuitEvents as follows:
> protected void onEvent(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final AppQuitEvent
> event) {
> getApp().quit();
> }
> Which delegates the operation to the App plugin with the highest priority.
> The following App plugins ship with net.imagej:imagej:
> * org.scijava.app.SciJavaApp [LOW priority] -- bundled with
> org.scijava:scijava-common
> * io.scif.SCIFIOApp [NORMAL priority] -- bundled with io.scif:scifio
> * net.imagej.legacy.LegacyImageJApp [NORMAL priority] - bundled with
> net.imagej:imagej-legacy
> * net.imagej.app.ImageJApp [HIGH priority] -- bundled with
> net.imagej:imagej-common
> * net.imagej.app.ToplevelImageJApp [HIGH+1 priority] -- bundled with
> net.imagej:imagej
> So:
> * If net.imagej:imagej is on the classpath, the ToplevelImageJApp will
> take precedence.
> Otherwise:
> * If net.imagej:imagej-common is on the classpath, the ImageJApp takes
> precedence.
> However, ToplevelImageJApp extends ImageJApp and does not override quit().
> So either way, the quit behavior will be the same:
>   public void quit() {
>     commandService.run(QuitProgram.class, true);
>   }
> https://github.com/imagej/imagej-common/blob/imagej-common-0.10.1/src/main/java/net/imagej/app/QuitProgram.java#L79-L96
> Note that the devastating System.exit(0) is only called when
> exitWhenQuitting is set to true. This is part of OptionsMisc:
> https://github.com/imagej/imagej-common/blob/imagej-common-0.10.1/src/main/java/net/imagej/options/OptionsMisc.java#L75-L76
> So, there are two potential ways I would suggest to achieve your goal:
> 1) Set the OptionsMisc exitWhenQuitting to false. This is handy if you
> don't need a lot of control over exactly what happens when quit() is
> called, but you just want to stop the System.exit(0) from firing.
> 2) Create a CellProfilerApp plugin and set it to a higher priority than
> ImageJ. This solution makes the most sense to me because it gives you more
> flexibility over the behavior of a couple other operations, too: about()
> and prefs().
> https://github.com/scijava/scijava-common/blob/scijava-common-2.35.0/src/main/java/org/scijava/app/App.java
> Regards,
> Curtis
> On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 10:23 AM, Lee Kamentsky <leek at broadinstitute.org>
> wrote:
>> Oops never mind, what I tried actually worked. AppQuitEvent.consume() did
>> the trick. Go figure - you guys really threw the whole kitchen sink into
>> it, didn't you?
>> @Plugin(type = Service.class, priority = Priority.HIGH_PRIORITY)
>> public class CellProfilerAppService extends DefaultAppService {
>> static boolean canQuit = false;
>> public static void allowQuit() {
>> canQuit = true;
>> }
>> public static void preventQuit() {
>> canQuit = false;
>> }
>> @EventHandler
>> public void onEvent(final AppQuitEvent event) {
>> if (canQuit) {
>> super.onEvent(event);
>> } else {
>> final UIService uiService = getContext().getService(UIService.class);
>> final LogService logService = getContext().getService(LogService.class);
>> if (uiService.isVisible()) {
>> UserInterface ui = uiService.getDefaultUI();
>> logService.info("Quit action: hide the application frame");
>> ui.getApplicationFrame().setVisible(false);
>> } else {
>> logService.info("Quit action: do nothing");
>> }
>> event.consume();
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Lee Kamentsky <leek at broadinstitute.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I had a class (
>>> https://github.com/CellProfiler/CellProfiler/blob/master/java/src/main/java/org/cellprofiler/ijutils/CellProfilerAppEventService.java)
>>> that implemented the deprecated AppEventService whose purpose was to
>>> prevent ImageJ from quitting if a user closed its window by overriding
>>> AppEventService.quit(). Quitting is pretty devastating for CellProfiler
>>> since the process closes when the user's probable intent was to hide the
>>> window.
>>> I'm hoping someone can give me a hint about how to do it now - I thought
>>> I'd cheat by asking instead of figuring it out myself.
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> --Lee
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