[ImageJ-devel] scijava-common newbie question

Curtis Rueden ctrueden at wisc.edu
Mon Jan 13 11:43:54 CST 2014

Hi Tobias,

> Thus, it would be nice to have some user feedback on progress and
> warnings etc. If the code is called from an IJ1 plugin, this should be
> directed to IJ.log and the IJ progressbar. If the code is called from
> other code, it should be directed to stdout. Currently I'm using my
> own ProgressListener interface and IJ /  sysout implementations.
> However this seems like the textbook example for LogService, so I
> would like to replace my crooked reinvented wheel by a shiny new
> scijava one :-)

First, some comments on the current status:

Personally, I am not 100% satisfied with the SciJava services relating to
this area. There are two -- LogService and StatusService -- which were sort
of modeled after the IJ1 user interface.

LogService -- Log service is for application-level logging, for
programmers, debugging, etc. Not user facing.

The idea of "logging" is well established in software engineering. Though
not universal, the five most common standard levels are ERROR, WARN, INFO,
DEBUG and TRACE. Well, and NONE for nothing, of course. Most of the logging
libraries like logback, log4j, and hence SLF4J (a logging facade) support
those levels. You would think that SLF4J should already solve our logging
woes and be sufficient, since it is a level of indirection allowing you to
plug in whatever logging library you want. However, the dependency on
slf4j-api is burdensome to downstream code. So to avoid that, SciJava
implements its own LogService, which is a service of the context. We have
an SLF4JLogService implementation, but by default we actually use a simple
stderr one. That way, everyone can have what they want with it.

StatusService -- For user-facing status update messages.

ImageJ1 has the status bar, so to replicate that in ImageJ2 of course we
needed a service to report such events. For now, the StatusService provides
the same capabilities as IJ1: a message and a progress bar expressed as a

The current thinking is to expand the StatusService into a TaskService or
similar, which lets you registers tasks, with each task having a progress
expressed as a fraction. And tasks could potentially be recursive, having
subtasks with their own progress. I think this model would map much better
to many existing complex operations -- e.g., the Fiji stitching plugins.

> 1) A lot of the code lives in static methods. The correct (and only)
> way to get the LogService in there is as a method parameter, right?

Are you asking how to obtain a LogService for use in the BigDataViewer?

The key is to have a Context. Once you have that, you can say:

   LogService log = context.getService(LogService.class);

There is also the @Parameter injection mechanism. You can write:

   private LogService log;

As an instance field of your class. Then, inject the context into an
instance of your class:


Ultimately, you must either pass a Context and/or LogService in to the
BigDataViewer somehow (via the constructor is a good DI mechanism), or else
have each BigDataViewer create its own internal context.

Alternately, with the StderrLogService implementation specifically, it does
not actually require a Context. That is, you can just say "new
StderrLogService();" and use it context free. That way, you could code the
BDV to take an *optional* LogService in the constructor, and pass a "new
StderrLogService();" in the case of a noargs constructor.

> 2) Where do I instantiate the service? Probably in the respective IJ1
> plugin, somthing like this: new Context(IJ1LogService.class) in the
> constructor, and then context.inject(this) to fill a @Parameter
> annotated LogService field. Is that about right?

I guess I'd have to look at your code, to understand better what you are
trying to do. It is rather silly to construct a SciJava Context solely for
the purpose of extracting a particular LogService instance from it. The
idea is that Contexts should be a bit larger in scope than that; ImageJ2
itself has a context when it starts up, and ImageJ2 plugins can tap in to
that context. They should almost never need to create new ones.

For ImageJ1 plugins running in Fiji, note that Fiji does actually create an
ImageJ2 context internally upon startup. You could probably tap into that,
although we are still hammering out details of exactly how ImageJ1 and
ImageJ2 should interact in many respects. Johannes is better equipped than
me to comment on the current status and planned directions of the legacy

> 3) Is there something like a ProgressService which could be
> implemented to set the IJ1 progressbar? (I had a quick look but
> couldn't find one)

The StatusService serves that purpose for the IJ2 progress bar. And as I
explained above, we are planning to move into the more general idea of a
TaskService which will cover the status bar and more (sort of like
Eclipse's Tasks pane -- and VisBio had this too, actually!).

But ATM those status events are not intercepted and published to ImageJ1 at

My core question is: is BigDataViewer targeting ImageJ1? ImageJ2? Both? Or
you're looking for advice on the best direction to go here -- pros, cons,


On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 8:47 AM, Tobias Pietzsch <pietzsch at mpi-cbg.de>wrote:

> Hi,
> after browsing around a bit in SCJ and IJ2 examples, I would like to apply
> some of it in my BigDataViewer plugin. Before I do it all wrong, I thought
> I ask for advice on best practices…
> My first application scenario is the following:
> I have some code that exports from various sources to BigDataViewer's hdf5
> based file format. There is stuff that can go wrong, and usually the export
> takes some time. Thus, it would be nice to have some user feedback on
> progress and warnings etc. If the code is called from an IJ1 plugin, this
> should be directed to IJ.log and the IJ progressbar. If the code is called
> from other code, it should be directed to stdout. Currently I'm using my
> own ProgressListener interface and IJ /  sysout implementations.
> However this seems like the textbook example for LogService, so I would
> like to replace my crooked reinvented wheel by a shiny new scijava one :-)
> I'm a bit unclear on how to do it exactly:
> 1) A lot of the code lives in static methods. The correct (and only) way
> to get the LogService in there is as a method parameter, right?
> 2) Where do I instantiate the service? Probably in the respective IJ1
> plugin, somthing like this:
>     new Context(IJ1LogService.class) in the constructor, and then
>     context.inject(this) to fill a @Parameter annotated LogService field.
>     Is that about right?
> 3) Is there something like a ProgressService which could be implemented to
> set the IJ1 progressbar? (I had a quick look but couldn't find one)
> thanks a lot for any pointers,
> Tobias
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