[ImageJ-devel] SimpleITK and maven

Brian Northan bnorthan at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 09:48:09 CDT 2014

Hi Johannes

Thanks for your detailed answer.  I suspected as much.  I will have a look
at nar-maven though.


On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Johannes Schindelin <
Johannes.Schindelin at gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi Brian,
> On Wed, 2 Apr 2014, Brian Northan wrote:
> > Does anybody know if there is a maven repository for SimpleITK??
> >
> > I've searched around a bit and couldn't find anything.
> I am not aware of SimpleITK being available via Maven:
>         http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|simpleitk
> Please note that what you ask for is not *exactly* trivial: SimpleITK is a
> Java (and Python) wrapper around a *native* library written in C++.
> Therefore you get all the wonderful problems of platform-dependent
> development: you need to make sure that you have the correct set of
> libraries, compiled for your particular operating system and CPU, working
> well with your other libraries (this is a particular problem with
> libstdc++ on Linux, where you cannot simply take your ITK libraries to
> another version of the same operating system, on the same CPU, and expect
> things to work).
> You also get the problem that depending on your platform, you need to have
> the libraries in a directory that is either in the system library search
> path or in a directory referenced by the PATH environment variable and/or
> the java.library.path property (that must be set *before* the Java Runtime
> Environment is started up, any changes after that will be ignored rather
> blatantly).
> These native libraries can be attached artifacts to the .jar artifacts on
> the Maven repository [*1*], but you will never be truly
> platform-independent anymore.
> Ciao,
> Johannes
> Footnote *1*: For the ImageJ launcher, we use the nar-maven-plugin which
> allows compiling native libraries as part of the Maven build cycle, and it
> attaches those native artifacts in the way I described. It is a finicky
> process, though, and you will need to know a little bit about GNU libc
> internals to actually make it work (before I myself got aware of those
> internals, I was baffled how our launcher would not work on an OMX system
> with a particular CentOS version, like, at all).
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