[ImageJ-devel] Avian VM and Bio-Formats

Yili Zhao panovr at gmail.com
Sat Oct 19 04:13:51 CDT 2013

  >> Its design was the most important source of inspiration for ImgLib2.
  Thanks for this information.
  When I read ImgLib2, I have a impression that its design has some similar
with other library.
  Now I know this library is VIGRA :)

  By the way, I can not access
Do others have this problem?

2013/10/17 Johannes Schindelin <Johannes.Schindelin at gmx.de>

> Hi Ullrich,
> a little background information for everybody else: Ullrich is the
> inventor and maintainer of VIGRA, an incredibly powerful C++ library to
> process and analyze images. Its design was the most important source of
> inspiration for ImgLib2. As a consequence, I was really delighted to meet
> Ullrich at the EuBIAS meeting in Barcelona last week. Among other things,
> we talked extensively about ways to interoperate between ImgLib2 and
> VIGRA, and the lack of support in VIGRA to read file formats via the
> Bio-Formats library.
> Also at that meeting, I got into contact with the OpenMole project, and in
> particular with Mark Hammons who not only explained patiently the benefits
> of the Scala language to me, but also pointed out the existence of the
> Avian VM, a small, embeddable, BSD-licensed Java Virtual Machine written
> in C++, with a tiny Just-In-Time compiler, just enough to make it a
> practical choice for running limited Java inside a C++ program/library:
> http://oss.readytalk.com/avian/
> It is actually very, very, *very* limited, as I found out when I tried to
> get it to run the bfconvert tool of Bio-Formats.
> But I did get it to run bfconvert. To be precise, in my hands, the 5MB
> executable compiled from my fork of Avian was able to run my
> (minimally-diverging) Bio-Formats v4.4.8 fork's
> loci.formats.tools.ImageConverter class to convert Fiji's icon.png (my
> standard example) to a .tiff file (although the colors are off, but
> running the same example with plain Java results in a byte-identical
> file).
> Although it is too early for proper benchmarking, things seem to be
> comparable between Java and Avian: while Java is slightly faster in what
> time(1) calls "real" time (~0.54s vs ~0.72s), in terms of "user" time
> roles are reversed (~0.70s vs ~0.63s). Roughly the same holds true for the
> dynamic Avian executable (which is only 11K and links to Avian's libjvm.so
> weighing in with a whopping 1.2M). The major benefit will most likely be
> space: linking to libjvm.so should be enough, the standard Java classes
> are included therein. So you can get Java support in VIGRA (or any other
> C++ project) by adding a library that is slightly larger than one
> megabyte.
> Now to some more detailed explanations about the challenges I faced, for
> the technically-inclined.
> On the Bio-Formats side, there are two major and one minor (and one micro)
> issue:
> - to enable logging, Bio-Formats uses a cute hack called
>   ReflectedUniverse, which is basically a scripting language for Java
>   itself. However, it uses regular expressions, something that Avian's
>   class library does not yet support.
> - Bio-Formats uses a concurrent hashmap in loci.common.Location.
>   Concurrency (JSR-166) is not supported by Avian's class library yet.
> - in loci.formats.gui.LegacyQTTools, the value of the java.library.path
>   property is used without checking whether the property is null (unset).
> - some debug logging in Bio-Formats uses String.format() (not yet
>   supported by Avian's class library).
> All of these issues could be worked around in the code calling
> Bio-Formats: there is no need to use the ImageConverter class (which
> enables the logging), the concurrent hashmap could be faked by extending
> the non-concurrent hashmap (and just not bothering with the concurrency
> because we will most likely instantiate one VM per Bio-Formats call), the
> java.library.path property could be initialized to a dummy value and the
> logging could be switched off completely.
> On the Avian side, I am happy to report that I only had to extend the
> class library (apart from one bug fix that I will contribute upstream
> later this week). In particular, I had to
> - make RandomAccessFile support writing
> - provide three dummy AWT classes because Bio-Formats actually links to
>   them, but does not use them by default
> - provide a couple of interfaces and exceptions that were not yet included
>   in Avian
> - implement a minimal java.io.DataOutputStream
> - provide a FileChannel for RandomAccessFiles (i.e. implement getChannel)
> - implement java.lang.Boolean's parse(String) method
> - implement java.lang.Character's isISOControl(char) method
> - implement fake byte order methods for ByteBuffers (they are hardcoded to
>   big endian, but that is what Bio-Formats required in my test)
> - provide a dummy SimpleDateFormat which actually does not work, but does
>   not need to
> - add toString(long[]) to java.util.Arrays
> - teach Avian's pseudo regular expressions about "\\", i.e. the backslash
> For the moment, all of these changes are contained in hodge podge
> work-in-progress commits which I will clean up over the next few days. You
> can see them here (the linked pages will update whenever I get around to
> clean up the commits):
> https://github.com/dscho/avian/compare/bio-formats
> https://github.com/dscho/bioformats/compare/v4.4.8...avian
> Since VIGRA and ImgLib2 share design concepts, and since SCIFIO supports
> ImgLib2 natively, I think that my plan to extend the test to SCIFIO after
> cleaning up my Avian fork is sound.
> Once that is done, I will add unit tests that our trusty Jenkins will run
> whenever SCIFIO (or Avian) changes, to ensure that things continue to
> work. These unit tests will be extended as needed, e.g. when someone finds
> out that an important use case requires more changes in Avian, still.
> This way to call Bio-Formats and SCIFIO could become the default C++ entry
> point into those libraries.
> Summary: I showed that Bio-Formats/SCIFIO support for VIGRA and other C++
> libraries is feasible through the BSD-licensed embeddable Java virtual
> machine "Avian". I am confident that I can clean up my patches this week
> still, to be contributed to the Avian project.
> Ciao,
> Johannes
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Yili Zhao
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