[ImageJ-devel] SciJava Jenkins & Maven repository?

Curtis Rueden ctrueden at wisc.edu
Fri Jun 28 09:35:20 CDT 2013

Hi everyone (especially Josh),

Right now, the ImageJ team has a Jenkins server cluster at
jenkins.imagej.net that performs an increasingly broad array of tasks. Of
course it builds ImageJ, but also Fiji, SCIFIO, SciJava Common, many
repository mirrors and synchronizers, and more.

We also have a Maven repository (using Nexus) at maven.imagej.net that has
an increasingly broad array of artifacts beyond just ImageJ.

Since all of the Jenkins jobs and Maven artifacts fall under the SciJava
umbrella, I think it would make sense to rebrand these services as SciJava
rather than only ImageJ.

Do others agree? If so, we could point jenkins.scijava.org and
maven.scijava.org (for simplicity, maybe just *.scijava.org) at the
server's IP ( If we did this, I would still keep the old
URLs working for backwards compatibility, of course.

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