[ImageJ-devel] Copy Plugin directly to Plugins folder.

Johannes Schindelin Johannes.Schindelin at gmx.de
Wed Jun 26 20:13:25 CDT 2013

Hi Chris,

On Wed, 26 Jun 2013, Christopher Coulon wrote:

> > Great, I see that you have a repo at:
> > https://github.com/ad1054/Postcards

Yep, I can see that repository, complete with a .gitignore and a

> > If you can push your actual project there (using "git add" and "git
> > commit" and "git push") that would make it much easier to diagnose
> > your continuing problems.
> I went through all the steps in the Create a Repo page, but it was only
> created on my computer.  
> I am not really succeeding at the tutorial.  I created the Hello-World
> file on my computer, but get an error when following the "Push your
> commit" instructions:
> ChrisGAIAG:Hello-World chris$ git remote add origin https://github.com/ad1054/Hello-World.git
> fatal: remote origin already exists.

That must be a left-over from some previous iteration that failed.

> and another with this:
> ChrisGAIAG:Hello-World chris$ git push origin master
> Username for 'https://github.com': ad1054
> Password for 'https://ad1054@github.com': 
> fatal: https://github.com/ad1054/Hello-World.git/info/refs not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?

This says that you *already* added a remote with "git remote add".
However, the URL is wrong: there is no repository called Hello-World on

> I am confused (obviously) and am not sure how to use these instructions
> to upload my project, since I can't even upload a test file.  I'm sure
> it is something simple, but it eludes me...

Probably at this stage, the easiest will be to clone your own repository.
This will create a local clone of the repository which is connected to the
remote repository via the nick name "origin".

The local clone consists of the working directory (which is called
"Postcards" if you cloned as I mentioned above) and the local repository
which lives in the .git/ subdirectory of the working directory. Do not
change anything manually in that .git/ subdirectory until you have a
profound understanding of Git!

If you have a Mac, why don't you use GitHub for Mac?


If you have Windows, why not use GitHub for Windows?



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