[ImageJ-devel] Copy Plugin directly to Plugins folder.

Johannes Schindelin Johannes.Schindelin at gmx.de
Wed Jun 26 11:30:50 CDT 2013

Hi Chris,

On Wed, 26 Jun 2013, Christopher Coulon wrote:

> I don't understand how to change the name of the jar file created in the
> Netbeans build.  It currently builds a jar file called APC_.jar.  The
> only place I can see that name is in the pom.xml in my project's Project
> Files.  
> If I change that name to anything else, I get errors in all my java
> files that use a JFrame Form.  The error is :
> package org.jdesktop.layout does not exist

Hmm. It would be easier to help if you had this on GitHub: that way, I
could quickly check it out, make fixes and open a pull request with
detailed commit messages.

Any chance you can put it on GitHub?


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