[ImageJ-devel] Scifion Img Opener some question

Michael Zinsmaier michael.zinsmaier at gmx.de
Fri Jul 5 05:35:56 CDT 2013

Hi together, hi Mark,

I just started to convert the Knime Image Processing "Image Reader" code 
to the new implementation of ImgOpener (scifio). However I am a bit 
stuck could you help me with a few questions regarding the code changes?

- the imglib2.io ImgOpener has some static methods like
         - public static AxisType[] getDimTypes(final IFormatReader r)
         - public static double[] getCalibration(final IFormatReader r)

     how can I retriev such data using the scifio ImgOpener?

-  the scifio ImgOpener's openImg method has the parameters Reader, 
type, factory and options
         - What is the relationship between Reader and IFormatReader (we 
used previously the openImg(IFormatReader ...) method)
         - can we retriev the type from a Reader (IFormatReader x; 

- ImgOptions supports the selection of an interval (thanks for that). 
But for our implementation we would need a multiple interval selection 
(e.g. the first 10 frames of a video and the last 10). Is it possible to 
change the implementation such that ImgOption accepts an array of intervals?

Thanks in advance
best regards,

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