[ImageJ-devel] ImgLib2 dimensionality

Aivar Grislis grislis at wisc.edu
Thu Jan 10 15:26:06 CST 2013

I was looking at the dimensional code in net.imglib2.meta.Axes. This is 
an enum of known, named AxisTypes such as X, Y, Z..., has the capacity 
for CustomAxisTypes, and some sort of characterization of these 
dimensions with 'isXY()' and 'isSpatial()'.  (Perhaps we could replace 
these latter with some kind of EnumSet of DimensionTypes, such as XY, 
SPATIAL, etc. for the discussion that follows.)

It might be useful to have a concept of a COINCIDENTAL type.  This sort 
of dimension represents different aspects of the same 
pixel/voxel/doxel.  It's as if you look at it with red glasses, blue 
glasses, etc.  Effectively this is the same as non-spatial/-temporal 
since all of the default AxisTypes besides XYZT would be coincidental.  
But with this you can specify if a new CustomAxisType should be 
coincidental or not.  For example, if you wrote a plugin that works on 
an image in 5D that is a series of 4D (XYZT) images, the dimension that 
represents the series of images is not coincidental (and not spatial or 
temporal either).

Another useful concept would be whether a dimension is DISCRETE (or 
NON_INTERPOLABLE?).   This sort of image would be analogous to a table 
of height/weight/shoe size per individual (pixel).  This works only 
because it happens you can express all three measurements as floating 
point.  Anyway, the point is these measurements are totally independent, 
the order is arbitrary, and it never would make any sense to combine 
them somehow or interpolate between them.  I've been working on a FLIM 
fitting plugin and using such images as my output, where the 
measurements are a set of fitted lifetime parameters, for example A1, 
T1, A2, T2, Z, all doubles.  It's the equivalent of five separate images 
in one and could just be refactored as such. [*]

My motivating concern was that if were to introduce such a DISCRETE 
DimensionType most existing plugins or algorithms will not do anything 
useful (other than simple things like copying, etc.).  In fact they will 
most likely clobber my discrete dimension.

What if an algorithm could somehow declare via annotation what sorts of 
dimensions it was interested in?  Without such an annotation the default 
would be to get all of the non-discrete dimensions, and the caller 
splits the image into sub images across discrete dimensions and 
processes them successively.  Then existing algorithms could do useful 
work on my discrete image.  Other algorithms that understand the meaning 
of this discrete dimension information could declare an interest in it 
and get the whole thing.

This could be a very useful mechanism in other instances.  In general 
lets say an algorithm could specify dimension types or specific 
dimensions of interest and the caller splits the image into sub images 
across the remaining dimensions.  Then the algorithm gets a cursor that 
iterates only on the dimensions of interest.  They could set the cursor 
position within these dimensions or just iterate through the whole thing.

Another use case might be to split up arbitrary images into XY slices 
for 2D-processing algorithms. On the input side, my FLIM fitting 
algorithm could declare an interest in the LIFETIME AxisType only and 
get called pixel by pixel with a lifetime dimension cursor to process a 
whole image that has unknown dimensions.

For another example, the early ImgLib1 sample Floyd-Steinberg dithering 
algorithm could process only non-COINCIDENTAL dimensions. This would 
avoid distributing errors from the red channel to the blue channel, for 
instance; they would be dithered one by one.

Hope this makes sense!  There's a lot of hand-waving here at present, 
particularly how this dimensional interest would be specified.

Thanks for reading,

Aivar Grislis

([*] Another alternative would be my creating a custom 
FittedLifetimeType or some kind of generic TupleType)

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