[ImageJ-devel] Build failed in Jenkins: ImgLib #840

Stephan Saalfeld saalfeld at mpi-cbg.de
Fri May 18 09:12:40 CDT 2012

Tested on my machine using mvn outside eclipse where it compiles
flawlessly.  Just to prevent the usual comment...

Testing with Fiji now...

On Fri, 2012-05-18 at 09:03 -0500, jenkins at imagej.net wrote: 
> See <http://jenkins.imagej.net/job/ImgLib/840/changes>
> Changes:
> [Stephan Saalfeld] first preliminary version of convenience constructors for Imgs
> [Stephan Saalfeld] specialized generic type in ArrayImg from DataAccess to ArrayDataAccess
> [Stephan Saalfeld] moved convenience factory methods into img specific factory collections
> [Stephan Saalfeld] added factory methods for ArrayImg that re-use a pre-allocated
> [Stephan Saalfeld] despecialize ArrayImg again (I cannot track where that came from!)
> [Stephan Saalfeld] casting madness workaround for Oracle javac bug
> ------------------------------------------
> [...truncated 1372 lines...]
> 52/109K
> 56/109K
> 60/109K
> 64/109K
> 68/109K
> 72/109K
> 76/109K
> 80/109K
> 84/109K
> 88/109K
> 92/109K
> 96/109K
> 100/109K
> 104/109K
> 108/109K
> 109/109K
> 109K uploaded  (imglib2-algorithms-gpl-2.0.0-20120518.140209-210.jar)
> [INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from imagej.snapshots
> [INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'snapshot net.imglib2:imglib2-algorithms-gpl:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
> May 18, 2012 9:03:23 AM org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthChallengeProcessor selectAuthScheme
> INFO: basic authentication scheme selected
> [INFO] Uploading project information for imglib2-algorithms-gpl 2.0.0-20120518.140209-210
> May 18, 2012 9:03:23 AM org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthChallengeProcessor selectAuthScheme
> INFO: basic authentication scheme selected
> [INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from imagej.snapshots
> [INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'artifact net.imglib2:imglib2-algorithms-gpl'
> May 18, 2012 9:03:24 AM org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthChallengeProcessor selectAuthScheme
> INFO: basic authentication scheme selected
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Building ImgLib2 ImageJ
> [INFO]    task-segment: [clean, deploy]
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] [clean:clean {execution: default-clean}]
> [INFO] Deleting /data/devel/jenkins/jobs/ImgLib/workspace/imglib2/ij/target
> [debug] execute contextualize
> [INFO] [resources:resources {execution: default-resources}]
> [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
> [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /data/devel/jenkins/jobs/ImgLib/workspace/imglib2/ij/src/main/resources
> [INFO] [compiler:compile {execution: default-compile}]
> [INFO] Compiling 15 source files to /data/devel/jenkins/jobs/ImgLib/workspace/imglib2/ij/target/classes
> [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
> [ERROR] ImagePlusImgs.java:[214,64] invalid inferred types for T; inferred type does not conform to declared bound(s)
> inferred: java.lang.Object
> bound(s): java.lang.Object,net.imglib2.type.numeric.NumericType<java.lang.Object>,net.imglib2.type.NativeType<java.lang.Object>
> [INFO] 1 error
> [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Compilation failure
> ImagePlusImgs.java:[214,64] invalid inferred types for T; inferred type does not conform to declared bound(s)
> inferred: java.lang.Object
> bound(s): java.lang.Object,net.imglib2.type.numeric.NumericType<java.lang.Object>,net.imglib2.type.NativeType<java.lang.Object>
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Total time: 1 minute 22 seconds
> [INFO] Finished at: Fri May 18 09:03:25 CDT 2012
> [INFO] Final Memory: 133M/986M
> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Archiving artifacts
> Performance: No threshold configured for making the test unstable
> Performance: No threshold configured for making the test failure
> Performance: Recording JUnit reports '**/TEST-*.xml'
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-HistogramTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-tests.labeling.AllConnectedComponentsTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-tests.labeling.WatershedTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-tests.BasicTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-tests.TestSortedGrayLevelIterator.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-tests.labeling.LabelingTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-SquareTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-imglib.ops.Rev2FunctionalIdeasTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-script.imglib.test.TestPlot.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.algorithm.kdtree.VolumetricSearchTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-tests.labeling.AllConnectedComponentsTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-tests.labeling.WatershedTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.algorithm.region.BresenhamLineTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.algorithm.region.localneighborhood.DomainCursorTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.IterableIntervalSubsetTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.PointTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.RealPointTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.TestAbstractRealLocalizable.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.collection.RealPointSampleListTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.img.cell.CellContainerFactoryTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.img.cell.CellContainerTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.img.cell.CellCursorTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.img.cell.CellTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.img.cell.CopyTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.img.list.CopyTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.img.planar.CopyTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.img.sparse.NtreeTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.img.transform.ImgTranslationAdapterTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.nearestneighbor.KDTreeTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.nearestneighbor.NearestNeighborSearchOnIterableRealIntervalTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.outofbounds.OutOfBoundsMirrorDoubleBoundaryTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.outofbounds.OutOfBoundsMirrorSingleBoundaryTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.outofbounds.OutOfBoundsPeriodicTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.position.transform.FloorOffsetTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.roi.BinaryMaskRegionOfInterestTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.roi.CompositeRegionOfInterestTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.roi.EllipseRegionOfInterestTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.roi.PolygonRegionOfInterestTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.roi.RectangleRegionOfInterestTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.sampler.special.TestConstantRandomAccessible.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.sampler.special.TestConstantRealRandomAccessible.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.util.ImgUtilTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.util.KthElementTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.util.PartitionTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.util.RealSumTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.view.RandomAccessTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.view.RandomAccessibleIntervalCursorTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.view.SequentializeTransformTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-tests.BasicTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-tests.labeling.LabelingOutOfBoundsTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-tests.labeling.LabelingTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-tests.labeling.SparseLabelingTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-tests.roi.TestAbstractRegionOfInterest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-tests.subimg.SubImgTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.io.img.virtual.VirtualImgTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example10Test.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example11Test.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example12Test.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example1Test.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example2Test.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example3Test.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example4Test.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example5Test.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example6Test.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example7Test.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example8Test.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example9Test.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.bool.BinaryAndNotTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.bool.BinaryXorTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexAddTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexAvgTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexCopyLeftTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexCopyRightTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexDifferenceTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexDivideTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexMultiplyTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexPowerTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexSubtractTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.unary.complex.ComplexExpTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.unary.complex.ComplexIntegerPowerTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.unary.complex.ComplexLogTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.unary.complex.ComplexReciprocalTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-script.imglib.test.TestBufferedImageImg.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-script.imglib.test.TestExtend.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-script.imglib.test.TestIntegralImage.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-script.imglib.test.TestIntegralImagePerformance.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-script.imglib.test.TestReduce.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-script.imglib.test.TestTransformations.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.view.MixedTransformConcatenateTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.view.SlicingTransformConcatenateTest.xml
> Performance: Parsing JUnit report file TEST-net.imglib2.view.TranslationTransformConcatenateTest.xml
> Performance: File TEST-HistogramTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-tests.labeling.AllConnectedComponentsTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-tests.labeling.WatershedTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-tests.BasicTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-tests.TestSortedGrayLevelIterator.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-tests.labeling.LabelingTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-SquareTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-imglib.ops.Rev2FunctionalIdeasTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-script.imglib.test.TestPlot.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.algorithm.kdtree.VolumetricSearchTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-tests.labeling.AllConnectedComponentsTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-tests.labeling.WatershedTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.algorithm.region.BresenhamLineTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.algorithm.region.localneighborhood.DomainCursorTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.IterableIntervalSubsetTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.PointTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.RealPointTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.TestAbstractRealLocalizable.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.collection.RealPointSampleListTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.img.cell.CellContainerFactoryTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.img.cell.CellContainerTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.img.cell.CellCursorTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.img.cell.CellTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.img.cell.CopyTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.img.list.CopyTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.img.planar.CopyTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.img.sparse.NtreeTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.img.transform.ImgTranslationAdapterTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.nearestneighbor.KDTreeTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.nearestneighbor.NearestNeighborSearchOnIterableRealIntervalTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.outofbounds.OutOfBoundsMirrorDoubleBoundaryTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.outofbounds.OutOfBoundsMirrorSingleBoundaryTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.outofbounds.OutOfBoundsPeriodicTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.position.transform.FloorOffsetTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.roi.BinaryMaskRegionOfInterestTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.roi.CompositeRegionOfInterestTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.roi.EllipseRegionOfInterestTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.roi.PolygonRegionOfInterestTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.roi.RectangleRegionOfInterestTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.sampler.special.TestConstantRandomAccessible.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.sampler.special.TestConstantRealRandomAccessible.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.util.ImgUtilTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.util.KthElementTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.util.PartitionTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.util.RealSumTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.view.RandomAccessTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.view.RandomAccessibleIntervalCursorTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.view.SequentializeTransformTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-tests.BasicTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-tests.labeling.LabelingOutOfBoundsTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-tests.labeling.LabelingTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-tests.labeling.SparseLabelingTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-tests.roi.TestAbstractRegionOfInterest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-tests.subimg.SubImgTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.io.img.virtual.VirtualImgTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example10Test.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example11Test.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example12Test.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example1Test.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example2Test.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example3Test.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example4Test.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example5Test.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example6Test.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example7Test.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example8Test.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.example.Example9Test.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.bool.BinaryAndNotTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.bool.BinaryXorTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexAddTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexAvgTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexCopyLeftTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexCopyRightTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexDifferenceTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexDivideTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexMultiplyTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexPowerTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.binary.complex.ComplexSubtractTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.unary.complex.ComplexExpTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.unary.complex.ComplexIntegerPowerTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.unary.complex.ComplexLogTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.ops.operation.unary.complex.ComplexReciprocalTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-script.imglib.test.TestBufferedImageImg.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-script.imglib.test.TestExtend.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-script.imglib.test.TestIntegralImage.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-script.imglib.test.TestIntegralImagePerformance.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-script.imglib.test.TestReduce.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-script.imglib.test.TestTransformations.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.view.MixedTransformConcatenateTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.view.SlicingTransformConcatenateTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE
> Performance: File TEST-net.imglib2.view.TranslationTransformConcatenateTest.xml reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: FAILURE

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