[ImageJ-devel] Regarding Target Java 1.5 for imglib2 core

Tobias Pietzsch pietzsch at mpi-cbg.de
Sat Mar 31 05:10:34 CDT 2012

Hi guys,

This has all been happening a bit too fast for me and I'm kind of lost
right now about what exactly is going on here.  So could someone please
explain what happened?

There have been ugly "HACK"s introduced like the following:

-final T buffer = Util.getTypeFromInterval( fftImage ).createVariable();
+// HACK: Explicit assignment is needed for OpenJDK javac.
+final T fftImageType = Util.getTypeFromInterval( fftImage );
+final T buffer = fftImageType.createVariable();

It seems, that this has been limited (fortunately!!!) to 
imglib2-algorithms-gpl.  But why? Surely, there are similar constructs in
other parts of imglib. Why are they not affected?

Are there plans to figure out the performance implications of using the
old class format?  Is there anything I have to be careful about now, so
that I don't break anything?  Can I (locally) just remove the 
maven-compiler-plugin section from the pom and have everything working 
as before?

And honestly, I don't like that this was done without any advance 
warning or discussion. This seems to be a big thing with potential
performance implications.

best regards,

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