[ImageJ-devel] [fiji-devel] Re: Permission to bump mpicbg.version to 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT?

Johannes Schindelin Johannes.Schindelin at gmx.de
Sun Jul 8 14:50:46 CDT 2012

Hi Stephan,

On Sun, 8 Jul 2012, Stephan Saalfeld wrote:

> thanks for explaining.  I am not familiar with the differences between
> snapshots and releases.  I trust in you to make the right choice.

Basically, the problem with snapshot versions is that they are moving
targets. So imglib2-2.0.0-beta3 cannot depend on mpicbg-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
That was my thinko and Curtis corrected that.

> To explain the mpicbg situation: I consider the version of the git
> repository that is committed as submodule to the fiji repository the
> stable release because I tested it in the full Fiji context (at least
> for compiling issues) which includes TrakEM2 and ImgLib1/2.  That
> version corresponds to what is uploaded to the Fiji updater.

Okay, that would be version 20120621, then, as that is the date of the
commit in fiji.git, referring to the mpicbg commit 4200032831.

I verified that the Updater considers my compiled version of that revision
and what you uploaded as identical, so I "deployed" (== "uploaded to the
Maven repository" in Maven speak) the latter[*1*].

> The dependencies in imglib2 are wrong transformed comments.  imglib2-ij,
> imglib2-algorithms-gpl, imglib-scripting and imglib2-tests use utility
> classes that I will transfer to imglib2 in August now that I've seen it.
> imglib2-algorithms-gpl and imglib-scripting use it for transformation
> which can now be replaced by imglib2-realtransform (actually the
> transform as implemented there is obsolete now that RealViews exist).
> My plan is to free imglib2 from mpicbg dependencies because it will
> incorporate all its functions wrapped in improved interfaces.  This,
> however, is a longer term project which means that mpicbg will remain
> for quite some time, mainly in the Fiji context for TrakEM2 and other
> plugins.  Synchronizing version numbers between imglib2 and mpicbg would
> thus be misleading in my understanding.

Okay, great, thanks for the clarification! Much appreciated.

> Be patient with me---I have to finish my thesis by July 31---no further
> mercy.  Back in hacking mood after that...

Yep, the thesis is more important right now. Good luck with that!


[Footnote *1*] I did not upload my compiled version, since -- as you know
-- .jar files are really .zip files, storing timestamps with the files, so
by necessity the .jar files are different when they are recompiled. The
Updater is a bit clever about that situation and inspects the .zip
contents (in newer incarnations, it ignores even more things that depend
on the build environment/date).

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