[ImageJ-devel] Labeling / segmentation proposal for imglib

Albert Cardona sapristi at gmail.com
Wed Nov 17 09:53:42 CST 2010

2010/11/17 Lee Kamentsky <leek at broadinstitute.org>:
> Hi Albert,
> I could see how using ShapeLists could work well for us for most cases
> seeing that we mostly use 2-d. It looks to me like you need one shape per
> z-plane in 3-d? I am thinking that there is still some utility in having
> something that represents the segmentation or labeling as a whole. In that
> scheme, the shapes would be views into the underlying representation of the
> labeling. Finally, I think there is some utility to a localizable cursor
> that doesn't use shapes as an intermediate because that sort of cursor would
> only visit labeled pixels whereas the shape cursor, at best, visits all
> pixels in the shape's bounding box (and for naive uses, might visit all
> pixels in the image). Some labelings, such as those on neurons, are sparse
> within their bounding boxes and, it seems to me, would require many calls to
> java.awt.Shape.contains(x,y).

Hi Lee,

I am glad you found out the good and the bad parts of ShapeList. That
was all I inteded with my replies.



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