// Generic multiple colour macro for assisting setting of thresholds // Analyses pixel intensities along a line selection // for a series of greyscale slices in a stack, each corresponding to a colour channel // Expandable to any number of colour channels (slices) // Check for RGB image and convert to greyscale stack // Breaks if image name includes "(RGB)" image = getImageID(); selectImage(image); info = getInfo(); if (indexOf(info, "(RGB)") >1) { getLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,width); run("RGB Split"); run("Convert Images to Stack"); makeLine(x1,y1,x2,y2);} Greyscales = 255; if (indexOf(info, "pixel: 16")>1) {Greyscales = 65535;} setLineWidth(1); getLine(startx, starty, endx, endy, temp); stack = getImageID(); selectImage(stack); slices = nSlices(); for (i =0; i