Author: Wayne Rasband (wsr at History: 2006/07/14: First version
2011/09/08: Does not display row numbers
Source: Installation: Download to the plugins folder, or subfolder, then compile and run it using Plugins>Compile and Run. Description: This plugin adds a sine/cosine table to the ImageJ Results Table and displays it in the Results window. It is equivalent to the macro: run("Clear Results"); row = 0; for (n=0; n<=2*PI; n += 0.1) { setResult("n", row, n); setResult("Sine(n)", row, sin(n)); setResult("Cos(n)", row, cos(n)); row++; }Macros can retrieve values from the Results Table using the getResult macro function:for (i=0; i<nResults; i++) print(getResult("n",i), getResult("Sine(n)",i));