Authors: Jerome Mutterer ( History: 2003/05/13 (v1.0) Source: Installation: Download to the plugins folder and compile it with the "Compile and Run" command. Restart ImageJ to add the "Guess_RAW" command to the Plugins menu. Description: This plugin opens a 8-bits RAW file, determines it's length, and tries to read an image out of it by trying different (width* length) pairs. Operation :
Select the RAW file to be read.
Click 'OK' to screen (w*l) pairs.
Click 'Cancel' when you recognize your image.It was first designed to open RAW files generated by a MacBas_v.2 driven FUJI BAS 1000 phosphor imager, and whose dimensions are not necessarily remembered. The gel image will be retrieved, but be careful with quantitative calculation of the signals, as log to linear conversion should be made for each pixel.