Author: Eric Kischell (orig example author Greg Merrill) History: 2002/05/01: First version, JDK 1.4 only
2002/05/05: Works with JDK 1.3.1
2002/11/14: Built into ImageJ 1.29oRequires: Java 2, Version 1.3.1 (aka JDK 1.3.1). Source: Installation: This plugin is built into ImageJ 1.29o and later. Description: This plugin supports drag and drop (DnD) of tiff, bmp, dicom, fits, pgm, gif, jpeg roi, lut, .txt or .java file dropped onto the ImageJ main frame. DnD support can be enabled/disabled when this plugin is run. JDK 1.3.1 seems fussier than JDK 1.4 on where you can DnD images (must be near menubar or title bar).
This plugin does not to work on the Macintosh but DnD to the ImageJ icon works on both Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X.