Author: Michael Schmid
History: 2015/10/19: First version
Source: Installation: Drag and drop AVI_Analyzer.class onto the "ImageJ" window and save it in the plugins folder or immediate sub-folder, or download AVI_Analyzer.class and install it using the Plugins>Install command. Description: This is an ImageJ Plugin for analyzing the basic structure of RIFF (AVI) files. The AVI format looks like this: RIFF AVI RIFF HEADER, AVI CHUNK | LIST hdrl MAIN AVI HEADER | | avih AVI HEADER | | LIST strl STREAM LIST(s) (One per stream) | | | strh STREAM HEADER (Required after above; fourcc type is 'vids' for video stream) | | | strf STREAM FORMAT (for video: BitMapInfo; may also contain palette) | | | strd OPTIONAL -- STREAM DATA (ignored in this plugin) | | | strn OPTIONAL -- STREAM NAME (ignored in this plugin) | | | indx OPTIONAL -- MAIN 'AVI 2.0' INDEX | LIST movi MOVIE DATA | | ix00 partial video index of 'AVI 2.0', usually missing in AVI 1 (ix01 would be for audio) | | [rec] RECORD DATA (one record per frame for interleaved video; optional, unsupported in this plugin) | | |-dataSubchunks RAW DATA: '??wb' for audio, '??db' and '??dc' for uncompressed and | | compressed video, respectively. "??" denotes stream number, usually "00" or "01" | idx1 AVI 1 INDEX ('old-style'); may be missing in very old formats RIFF AVIX 'AVI 2.0' only: further chunks | LIST movi more movie data, as above, usually with ix00 index Any number of further chunks (RIFF tags) may follow Items ('chunks') with one fourcc (four-character code such as 'strh') start with two 4-byte words: the fourcc and the size of the data area. Items with two fourcc (e.g. 'LIST hdrl') have three 4-byte words: the first fourcc, the size and the second fourcc. Note that the size includes the 4 bytes needed for the second fourcc. Chunks with fourcc 'JUNK' can appear anywhere and should be ignored.