double String2Real(Str255 str); void Real2String(double n, int width, int fwidth, Str255 str); int GetDialogItem(DialogPtr TheDialog, int item); void SetDialogItem(DialogPtr TheDialog, int item, int n); void SetDNum(DialogPtr TheDialog, int item, int n); int GetDNum(DialogPtr TheDialog, int item); void SetDReal(DialogPtr TheDialog, int item, double n, int fwidth); double GetDReal(DialogPtr TheDialog, int item); void SetDString(DialogPtr TheDialog, int item, Str255 str); void GetDString(DialogPtr TheDialog, int item, Str255 str); typedef unsigned char **ppc, *pc; typedef struct { int x; /* x dimension */ int y; /* y dimension */ short double **e; /* pointer to array of pointer to the rows */ } imgdr, *Pimgdr, **Himgdr; typedef struct { int x; /* x dimension */ int y; /* y dimension */ unsigned char **e; /* pointer to array of pointer to the rows */ } imgd, *Pimgd, **Himgd; void freeimgr(Pimgdr m); OSErr dimimgr(Pimgdr m, int y, int x);