MULTIPLE-ROI modifications in the NIH-IMAGE Developed by P. Rovensky at Basel Institute for Immunology The Basel Institue for Immunology conducts basic research in full academic freedom. The Institute was established in 1968 and commenced operation in 1971. Since its founding, the Institute has been entirely supported by F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE Basel Switzerland . Design and ideas : Fiona McConnell This document shows the change to enable handling of the Multiple ROI-s. This software is provided as-is without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but etc.... etc... and there are few known bugs which I do not have time to fix. Please feel free to contact me directly, I'm not subscriber of the NIH-Image mailing list. Revision history - July-September 1994 first release with NIH-Image 1.55 using Think Pascal - 1 day in March 1995 ported to PPC with version 1.57 using CodeWarrior CW 5 - August 1995 ported to 1.58 KNOWN BUG - by "Loading circles" - selecting the CANCEL button will cause crash e_mail : ======================== Image.rsrc Cursor resource ID 200 DLOG 6501 "Ratio Parameters" DITL 131 "Ratio Parameters" Globals.p ----------------- ***** Line 331 {P_Change 17/8/95 } P_CursorID = 200; ***** Line 595 {P_Change 17/8/95 } P_List: handle; ****** Line 601 Tools : P_SelectTool); {P_Change 17/8/95 } ****** Line 874 {P_Change 17/8/95 } P_ModeType = (P_CreateNewCircle, P_MoveCircle, P_ResizeCircle); ****** Line 1217 { Variables added by Pavol Rovensky, M.D., BII 28/7/94} {P_Change 17/8/95 } P_CircleMode: boolean; P_Rect: rect; P_Mode: P_ModeType; Image.p ------------------- uses P_CellList; Line 1227 case tool of {ADDED BY PAVOL} {P_Change 17/8/95 } P_SelectTool: P_DoObject(event); Line 2812 main {P_Change 17/8/95 } InitP_CellList; {Inicializujeme unitu} Init.p ---------------- Line 48 procedure MakeCursors {P_Change 17/8/95 } TempCurH := GetCursor(P_CursorID); if TempCurH <> nil then begin ToolCursor[P_SelectTool] := TempCurH^^; ReleaseResource(handle(TempCurH)); end; Utilities.p ----------------- line 152 implementation {P_Change 17/8/95 } procedure RedrawCurrent; external; line 794 procedure UpdatePicWindow {P_Change 17/8/95 } if (P_CircleMode) then RedrawCurrent; {PAVOL} User.p -------------- uses P_CellList; function ScreenToPixmapH ; line 30 function ScreenToPixmapV ; line 36 procedure P_DoObject ; 511 procedure ShowPreviousImage ; line 679