/* PeakFinder Tool N.Vischer, 10.11.13 23:29 http://simon.bio.uva.nl/objectj/examples/PeakFinder/peakfinder.html (Live Overlay Profile by Jerome Mutterer) Detects peaks along a straight line, and crates a segmented line with vertices ('handles') at peak positions. A minimum spatial distance between any two peaks can be set via dMin. A peak can thus suppress neighbor peaks, where "Prority" is set to either amplitude or position: "A" =highest amplitude, "L" =Left "R" =Right, Terms 'left' and 'right' refer to the position in the profile plot, or to a line drawn from left to right. */ var darkBackground = true,//true if bright peaks on dark backgnd dMin = 0, //minimum separation distance (pixels) tolerance = 20, //minimum separation amplitude priority = "Amplitude", prior = "A", //choose"A". "L" or "R" (Amplitude, Left, Right) includeEnds = true, //endpoints are included though they are not peaks arr4x, arr4y, peakArr = newArray(0), ; macro "PeakFinder Tool -Ce3e L0df0 C00a R3922 R7522 Rb122" { requires("1.48e"); getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); xstart = x; ystart = y; x2=x; y2=y; prevShift=0; prevFlags = 0; overlayChanged = false; while (true) { shift = isKeyDown("shift"); getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); if (flags & 16 == 0) exit; if (x!=x2 || y!=y2 || prevShift != shift || flags != prevFlags) { prevFlags = flags; prevShift = shift; if (xstart != x || ystart != y){ makeLine(xstart, ystart, x, y, x, y);//polyline findPeaks(xstart, ystart, x, y); if (isKeyDown("shift")){ getSelectionCoordinates(xx, yy); overlayProfile(xstart, ystart, x, y); overlayChanged = true; makeSelection("polyline", xx, yy); } else if (overlayChanged) Overlay.remove; } } x2=x; y2=y; wait(10); } } function findPeaks(x1, y1, x2, y2){ dx = x2 - x1; dy = y2 - y1; sin2 = sin(atan2(dy, dx)); cos2 = cos(atan2(dy, dx)); profile = getProfile(); len = profile.length; if (darkBackground) peakArr = Array.findMaxima(profile, tolerance); else peakArr = Array.findMinima(profile, tolerance); nMaxima = peakArr.length; qualifiedArr = newArray(len); Array.fill(qualifiedArr, 1); nQualified = 0; if (prior != "A"){ Array.sort(peakArr); } if (prior == "R"){ Array.invert(peakArr); } for (jj = 0; jj < nMaxima; jj++){ pos = peakArr[jj]; if (qualifiedArr[pos] == 1){ nQualified ++; if (dMin > 1) for (kk = pos - (dMin -1); kk <= pos + (dMin - 1); kk++){ if (kk >= 0 && kk < len){ qualifiedArr[kk] = 0; } } } else peakArr[jj] = -1; } Array.sort(peakArr); Array.invert(peakArr); peakArr = Array.trim(peakArr, nQualified); if (prior != "R") Array.invert(peakArr); nVertices = nQualified + 2;//include end points for now arr4x = newArray(nVertices); arr4y = newArray(nVertices); for (jj = 0; jj < nQualified; jj++){ arr4x[jj + 1] = x1 + cos2 * peakArr[jj]; arr4y[jj + 1] = y1 + sin2 * peakArr[jj]; } arr4x[0] = x1; arr4y[0] = y1; arr4x[nVertices -1] = x2; arr4y[nVertices -1] = y2; if (!includeEnds){//remove endpoints peakPosx = Array.slice(arr4x, 1, nVertices-2); peakPosy = Array.slice(arr4y, 1, nVertices-2); } if (includeEnds)//remove endpoints makeSelection("polyline", arr4x, arr4y); else makeSelection("polyline", peakPosx, peakPosy); showStatus("nPeaks= " + nQualified); } macro "Insert Peak [1]"{ if (!startsWith(getInfo("command.name"), "^")) exit("Locate cursor and call command via shortcut '1'"); getCursorLoc(mousex, mousey, z, flags); getSelectionCoordinates(xx, yy); len = xx.length ; dx1 = xx[len - 1] - xx[0]; dy1 = yy[len - 1] - yy[0]; phi1 = atan2(dy1, dx1); dx2 = mousex - xx[len - 1]; dy2 = mousey - yy[len - 1]; phi2 = atan2(dy2, dx2); rad = sqrt(dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2) * cos(phi1 - phi2); dx3 = cos(phi1) * rad; dy3 = sin(phi1) * rad; xInsert = xx[len - 1] + dx3; yInsert = yy[len - 1] + dy3; if (xInsert < 0 || xInsert >= getWidth || yInsert < 0 || yInsert >= getHeight) exit; found = 0; for (jj = 0; jj < len; jj++){ a = xInsert - xx[jj]; b=0; if (jj < len - 1) b = xInsert - xx[jj + 1]; c = yInsert - yy[jj]; d=0; if (jj < len - 1) d = yInsert - yy[jj + 1]; if (a * b < 0 || c * d < 0) found = jj + 1; } if (found == 0){ if (abs (xInsert - xx[0]) > abs (xInsert - xx[len-1]) || abs (yInsert - yy[0]) > abs (yInsert - yy[len-1])) found = len; } len++; xx2 = newArray(len); yy2 = newArray(len); kk = 0; for (jj = 0; jj < len; jj++){ if (jj == found){ xx2[jj] = xInsert; yy2[jj] = yInsert; } else{ xx2[jj] = xx[kk]; yy2[jj] = yy[kk]; kk++; } } makeSelection("polyline", xx2, yy2); } macro "Kill Peak [2]"{ if (!startsWith(getInfo("command.name"), "^")) exit("Locate cursor and call command via shortcut '2'"); getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); if(selectionType == 6){ getSelectionCoordinates(xx1, yy1); len = xx1.length; if (len == 2) return; minRad = 1e6; for (jj = 0; jj = 10 /getZoom) showStatus("No Vertex found"); else{ xx2 = newArray(len-1); yy2 = newArray(len-1); kk = 0; for (jj = 0; jj 0) DeltaD[jj] = dotsX[jj] - dotsX[jj - 1]; } Distance = dotsX; Value = dotsY; Array.show("Peak Values(row numbers)", Distance, Value, DeltaD); for (jj= 0; jj