// "Advanced Plots" macros // Norbert Vischer 23-aug-2018 // // These macros demonstrate filled plots, custom plot symbols, // staircase histograms, the usage of functions toUnscaled() and toScaled() // and the creation of dynamic plots (stacks containing a plot family) // // There are eight macros: // Filled Plot [1] // Staircase Histogram [2] // Damped Wave Plot [3] * // Plot with Custom Symbols [4] * // Highlight and Annotate Area [5] // Qualify Roi [6] // Dynamic Plot [7] * // Dynamic Plot 2D [8] * // // *These macros are also avalilabe from menu Help>Examples>Macro> // Some macros require ImageJ 1.51u or later. macro "Filled Plot [1]"{ requires("1.51t"); left = 0; right = 4; bottom = 0; top = 1.2; nPoints = 50; range = right - left; //Create demo data xValues = newArray(nPoints); yValues = newArray(nPoints); sigma = 0.4; ampl = 1; x0 = 2; for (p = 0; p < nPoints; p++){ x = p/nPoints * range + left; y = ampl * exp(-pow(x - x0, 2)/(sigma * sigma * 2)); xValues[p] = x; yValues[p] = y; } //Create filled plot Plot.create("Filled Plot", "X", "Y"); Plot.setLimits(left, right, bottom, top ); Plot.setFrameSize(600, 300 ); Plot.setColor("blue", "#ccccff"); Plot.add("filled", xValues, yValues);; } //Staircase histogram macro "Staircase Histogram [2]"{ requires("1.52f"); values = newArray(2,3,3,3,4,4); Plot.create("Mini Histogram", "X", "Y"); Plot.setColor("red", "#ddddff"); binWidth = 1;//use 0 for auto-binning binCenter = 0; Plot.addHistogram(values, binWidth, binCenter); Plot.setLimits(NaN, NaN, 0, NaN); } //Uses postive and negative filled plots // Author: Norbert Vischer //*Also avalilabe from menu Help>Examples>Macro> macro "Damped Wave Plot [3]"{ requires("1.51t"); left = 0; right = 4; bottom = -1.2; top = 1.2; nPoints = 150; //Create demo data xValues = newArray(nPoints); yValues1 = newArray(nPoints); yValues2 = newArray(nPoints); yValues3 = newArray(nPoints); for (p = 0; p < nPoints; p++){ x = p/nPoints * right; xValues[p] = x; a = exp(-x); yValues1[p] = a; yValues2[p] = -a; yValues3[p] = a * cos(p/5); } Plot.create("Damped Wave", "X", "Y"); Plot.setLimits(left, right, bottom, top ); Plot.setFrameSize(600, 300 ); Plot.setColor( "#ddddff"); Plot.add("filled", xValues, yValues1); Plot.add("filled", xValues, yValues2); Plot.setColor("blue"); Plot.setLineWidth(2); Plot.add("line", xValues, yValues3);; } macro "Plot with Custom Symbols [4]" { /* *Also avalilabe from menu Help>Examples>Macro> With ImageJ 1.51r and later, if the 'type' argument of the Plot.add(type,xpoints,ypoints) macro function starts with "code: " then the macro code contained in the rest of the string is executed per point, using variable names 'x' and 'y' for the point location, 's' for high-resolution scale factor and 'i' for the point index. */ xValues = newArray(11, 20, 33, 46, 61, 82); yValues1 = newArray(31, 40, 48, 52, 55, 58); yValues2 = newArray(21, 30, 38, 42, 45, 48); yValues3 = newArray(11, 20, 28, 32, 35, 38); yValues4 = newArray(1, 10, 18, 22, 25, 28); cross = "code: fillOval(x-8*s,y-2*s,16*s,4*s);fillOval(x-2*s,y-8*s, 4*s,16*s);"; circle = "code: fillOval(x-6*s,y-6*s,12*s,12*s);setColor('yellow');fillOval(x-3*s,y-3*s,6*s,6*s);"; letter = "code: setFont('sanserif',14*s,'bold anti');drawString('H',x-4*s,y+8*s);" numbers = "code: setFont('sanserif',14*s,'bold anti');drawString(''+i,x-4*s,y+8*s);" Plot.create("Plot with Custom Symbols", "X", "Y"); Plot.setLimits(0, 90, 0, 60 ); Plot.setLineWidth(2); Plot.setColor("#ffbbbb"); //light red Plot.add("line", xValues, yValues1); Plot.setColor("red"); Plot.add(cross, xValues, yValues1); Plot.setColor("#bbbbff"); //light blue Plot.add("line", xValues, yValues2); Plot.setColor("blue"); Plot.add(circle, xValues, yValues2); Plot.setColor("#800000"); // maroon Plot.add("line", xValues, yValues3); Plot.setColor("#a00000"); Plot.add(letter, xValues, yValues3); Plot.setColor("#bbbbbb"); // light gray Plot.add("line", xValues, yValues4); Plot.setColor("black"); Plot.add(numbers, xValues, yValues4); // empty labels cause lines to be ignored in legend Plot.setFontSize(14); Plot.addLegend("\nRed symbol\n\nBlue symbol\n\nLetter\n\nNumbers");; } macro "Highlight and Annotate Area [5]" { left = -1; right = 5; bottom = -0.2; top = 1.2; nPoints = 200; range = right - left; xValues = newArray(nPoints); yValues = newArray(nPoints); Plot.create("Gauss-Ellipse-Match", "X", "Y"); Plot.setFrameSize(500, 300); Plot.setLimits(left, right, bottom, top ); sigma = 2; ampl = 1; x0 = 2; radiusX = sigma /sqrt(2);//horizontal radius for (p = 0; p < nPoints; p++){ x = p/nPoints * range + left; y = ampl * exp(-pow(x - x0, 2)/(sigma * sigma * 2)); xValues[p] = x; yValues[p] = y; } Plot.setColor("blue"); Plot.add("line", xValues, yValues); Plot.setColor("red"); Plot.drawLine(x0, ampl/2, x0+radiusX, ampl/2);; hookLeft = x0-radiusX; hookTop = ampl; hookBottom = 0; hookRight = x0+radiusX; toUnscaled(hookLeft, hookTop); toUnscaled(hookRight, hookBottom); makeOval(hookLeft, hookTop, hookRight - hookLeft, hookBottom - hookTop); changeValues(0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ccddff); run("Select None"); setColor(0xff0000); x = x0; y = ampl/2; toUnscaled(x, y); setFont("SansSerif" , 14, "antialiased"); drawString("r = sigma / sqrt(2)", x, y-2); if (getVersion()>="1.49t") Plot.freeze(); //avoid removing the oval or annotation by resizing or zooming } macro "Qualify ROI [6]" { k1000 = 1000; xValues = newArray(k1000); yValues = newArray(k1000); for (jj = 0; jj Examples>Macros macro "Dynamic Plot [7]" { left = 0; right = 4; bottom = 0; top = 1.6; nPoints = 50; range = right - left; Plot.create("Dynamic Plot", "X", "Y"); Plot.setLimits(left, right, bottom, top ); Plot.setFrameSize(800, 500 ); Plot.setFontSize(18); xValues = newArray(nPoints); yValues1 = newArray(nPoints); yValues2 = newArray(nPoints); yValues3 = newArray(nPoints); sigma = 0.4; ampl = 1; x0 = 2; for(dx = -2; dx < 2; dx += 0.05){ for (p = 0; p < nPoints; p++){ x = p/nPoints * range + left; y1 = ampl * exp(-pow(x - x0, 2)/(sigma * sigma * 2)); y2 = 0.5 * ampl * exp(-pow(x -dx - x0, 2)/(sigma * sigma * 2)); xValues[p] = x; yValues1[p] = y1; yValues2[p] = y2; yValues3[p] = y1 + y2; } Plot.setColor("#ccccff"); Plot.add("filled", xValues, yValues3); Plot.setLineWidth(2); Plot.setColor("green"); Plot.add("line", xValues, yValues1); Plot.setColor("red"); Plot.add("line", xValues, yValues2); Plot.setLineWidth(1); txt = "dx = " + d2s(dx, 2); Plot.addText(txt, 0.77, 0.1); Plot.setLegend("Sum\nGauss1\nGauss2", "top-left"); Plot.appendToStack; }; rename("Sum of Gaussians"); run("Animation Options...", "speed=10 loop"); doCommand("Start Animation [\\]"); } // Creates a virtual hyperstack of frozen plots. // Use the sliders to change sigma and amplitude. // Author: Norbert Vischer // *Also avalilabe from menu Help>Examples>Macro> macro "Plot Family 2D [8]"{ left = 0; right = 4; bottom = 0; top = 1.5; nPoints = 100; range = right - left; x0 = 2; Plot.create("Plot Family 2D", "X", "Y"); Plot.setLimits(left, right, bottom, top ); Plot.setFrameSize(800, 500); Plot.setFontSize(18); numFrames = 0; for (sigma = 0.2; sigma <0.6; sigma +=0.03){ showProgress((sigma - 0.2)/0.4); numFrames ++; numSlices = 0; for (ampl = 1; ampl < 1.5; ampl += 0.03){ numSlices++; xValues = newArray(nPoints);//start building one member yValues = newArray(nPoints); for (p = 0; p < nPoints; p++) { x = p/nPoints * range + left; xValues[p] = x; yValues[p] = ampl * exp(-pow(x - x0, 2)/(sigma * sigma * 2)); } Plot.setLineWidth(2); Plot.setColor("#555555", "#eeeeee"); Plot.setColor("#ddddff"); Plot.add("filled", xValues, yValues); Plot.setColor("black"); Plot.add("line", xValues, yValues); txt = "Sigma: " + d2s(sigma, 2); txt += "\nAmplitude: " + d2s(ampl, 2); txt += "\n(use sliders to change)"; Plot.setColor("red"); Plot.addText(txt, 0.7, 0.1); Plot.setLineWidth(1); Plot.appendToStack; //end building one member } }; rename("Adjustable Gaussian"); run("Stack to Hyperstack...", "slices=&numSlices frames=&numFrames"); }