IJ2 is out
 Sec. 2: Installing & Maintaining IJ Up Part I: Getting Started Part II: Working with IJ 

3 Getting Help

3.1 Help on Image Analysis

Below is a list of online resources (in no particular order) related to image processing and scientific image analysis, complementing the list of external resources on the IJ web site.

Ethics in Scientific Image Processing

Scientific Image Processing

3.2 Help on ImageJ

Below is a list of the ImageJ help resources that complement this guide. Specific documentation on advanced uses of ImageJ (macro programming, plugin development, etc.) is discussed in Extending ImageJ↓.
  1. The ImageJ online documentation pages
    Can be accessed via the HelpDocumentation…↓ command.
  2. The Fiji↑ webpage:
  3. The ImageJ Information and Documentation Portal (ImageJ wikipage):
  4. Video tutorials on the ImageJ Documentation Portal and the Fiji YouTube channel:
    http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/doku.php?id=video:start&s[]=video and http://www.youtube.com/user/fijichannel. New ImageJ users will probably profit from Christine Labno's video tutorial.
  5. The Fiji Cookbook
  6. Several online documents, most of them listed at:
    ../../links.html and ../examples/
  7. Mailing lists:
    1. ImageJ../../list.html
      General user and developer discussion about ImageJ. Can be accessed via the HelpMailing List… command. This list is also mirrored at Nabble and Gmane. You may find it easier to search and browse the list archives on these mirrors. Specially useful are the RSS feeds and the frames and threads view provided by Gmane.
    2. Fiji users http://groups.google.com/group/fiji-users
      For user discussion specific to Fiji↑ (rather than core ImageJ).
    3. Fiji-develhttp://groups.google.com/group/fiji-devel
      For developer discussion specific to Fiji.
    4. ImageJ-develhttp://imagejdev.org/mailman/listinfo/imagej-devel
      For communication and coordination of the ImageJDev project.
    5. Dedicated mailing lists for ImageJ related projects
      Described at http://imagejdev.org/mailing-lists .

Using Mailing-lists

If you are having problems with ImageJ, you should inquiry about them in the appropriated list. The ImageJ mailing list is an unmoderated forum subscribed by a knowledgeable worldwide user community with 2000 advanced users and developers. To have your questions promptly answered you should consider the following:
  1. Read the documentation files (described earlier in this section) before posting. Because there will always be a natural lag between the implementation of key features and their documentation it may be wise to check briefly the ImageJ news website (HelpImageJ News…↓).
  2. Look up the mailing list archives (HelpMailing List…). Most of your questions may have already been answered.
  3. If you think you are facing a bug try to upgrade to the latest version of ImageJ (HelpUpdate ImageJ…↓). You should also check if you are running the latest version of the Java Virtual Machine for your operating system. Detailed instructions on how to submit a bug report are found at ../faqs.html#bug.
  4. Remember that in most cases you can find answers within your own ImageJ installation without even connecting to the internet since the heuristics for finding commands or writing macros have been significantly improved in later versions (see Finding Commands↓ and Extending ImageJ↓).
  5. As with any other mailing list, you should always follow basic netiquette, namely:
    1. Use descriptive subject lines — Re: Problem with Image>Set Scale command is much more effective than a general Re: Problem.
    2. Stay on topic — Do not post off-topic messages, unrelated to the message thread.
    3. Be careful when sending attachments — Refrain from attaching large files. Use, e.g., a file hosting service instead.
    4. Edit replies — You should include only the minimum content that is necessary to provide a logical flow from the question to the answer, i.e., quote only as much as absolutely necessary and relevant.
 Sec. 2: Installing & Maintaining IJ Up Part I: Getting Started Part II: Working with IJ