 * This plugin, which implements the Image/Stacks/Plot XY Profile command,
 * generates a stack of plots with the same vertical scale.
 * Source image is a stack or hyperstack.
 * Line or rectangle selection is required.
 * @author Jerome Parent

package ij.plugin;
import ij.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class StackPlotter implements PlugIn {
    private int channel = 1;
    private int slice = 1;
    private int frame = 1;
    private int frames = 1;
    public void run(String arg) {
        ImagePlus imp = IJ.getImage();
        //Check if Roi is defined
        if (imp.getRoi() == null) {
            IJ.error("Stack Plotter", "Line or rectangular selection required");
        //Check if Image is a Stack
        int dim = imp.getNDimensions();
        if (dim < 3) {
            IJ.error("Stack Plotter","This plugin requires a stack");
        //Get Stack size
        int length = 0;
        if (dim==3)
            length = imp.getImageStackSize();
        // Plot stack over frames information, improvement will be to select the dimension to plot over
        boolean plotFrames = true;
        if (dim>3) {
            channel = imp.getChannel();
            slice = imp.getSlice();
            frame = imp.getFrame();
            length = frames = imp.getNFrames();
            if (dim==4 && length==1) {
                plotFrames = false;
                length = imp.getNSlices();
        } else
            slice = imp.getCurrentSlice();
        //Get a profile plot for each frame in the stack
        //Store min and max value of all Profile across the stack
        ProfilePlot[] pPlot = new ProfilePlot[length];
        double ymin = 0;
        double ymax = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
            if (dim == 3) imp.setPosition(i+1);
            if (dim > 3) {
                if (plotFrames)
            pPlot[i] =  new ProfilePlot(imp);
            if (pPlot[i] == null) return;
            if (pPlot[i].getMin() < ymin) ymin = pPlot[i].getMin();
            if (pPlot[i].getMax() > ymax) ymax = pPlot[i].getMax();
        //Save current Min and Max values of profile plot
        double pp_min = ProfilePlot.getFixedMin();
        double pp_max = ProfilePlot.getFixedMax();
        //Set same Min Max values for all plots
        //Make a profile stack
        Plot plot = pPlot[0].getPlot();
        Dimension size = plot.getSize();
        ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(size.width,size.height);
        for (int i=0; i< length; i++) {
            plot = pPlot[i].getPlot();
        ImagePlus output = new ImagePlus("Profile Plots",stack);
        if (dim==3) imp.setPosition(slice);
        if (dim>3) imp.setPosition(channel,slice,frame);
        //reset profile plot Min and May