[ImageJ-devel] L2 Polynomial Spline Pyramid (2 of 2)

Lee Kamentsky leek at broadinstitute.org
Tue Jun 18 10:25:22 CDT 2013

Hi all,
As part of an upcoming project, I'm planning to implement the methods
described in

Unser, The L2 Polynomial Spline Pyramid, IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 15 # 4, April 1993, p 364 (

There are two operations, one that decimates an image by half to generate a
smaller image (REDUCE) and one that reconstructs the larger image from the
smaller (EXPAND). I'd implement both operations as classes supporting the
RandomAccessible interface.

Do people think that these have enough utility to add to imglib2 (and where
should they go?) or is it more appropriate to keep them within the project

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