[ImageJ-devel] BNM vs Maven

Johannes Schindelin Johannes.Schindelin at gmx.de
Sat Mar 12 03:48:14 CST 2011


I just got aware of BNM (http://www.bebbosoft.de/#java/bnm/index.wiki). 
>From the freshmeat.net description:

    BNM is a build system that uses Maven pom.xml files and implements 
    replacements for the core Maven system and its most important plugins. 
    BNM is a proof that Maven could run much faster. This version is able 
    to build itself and might also fit other projects

It got my attentions because BNM does something about the speed of 
Maven (from the project's home page):

    BNM is able to build its own project tree and is more than 3 times 
    faster than Maven 2. And it is still faster than Maven 3.

    Not everything is implemented yet, but BNM can build itself :-)
    build tool	command line 		  build time (best of 3 repeated runs)
    Maven 2 	mvn.bat clean install 	  -- failes to resolve org.eclipse versions
    Maven 3 	mvn.bat clean install 	  25.8s
    Maven 3 	mvn.bat -T2 clean install 17.7s
    BNM 0.1.0 	bnm clean install 	  11.7s 


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